
第21章 特斯拉线圈和变压器的发明(4)

The meeting with Edison was a memorable event in my life.Iwas amazed at this wonderful man who,without early advantages and scientific training,had accomplished so much.Ihad studied a dozen languages,delved in literature and art,and had spent my best years in libraries reading all sorts of stuff that fell into my hands,from Newton"s "Principia"to the novels of Paul de Kock,and felt that most of my life had been squandered.But it did not take long before Irecognized that it was the best thing Icould have done.Within a few weeks Ihad won Edison"s confidence and it came about in this way.

The S.S.Oregon,the fastest passenger steamer at that time,had both of its lighting machines disabled and its sailing was delayed.As the superstructure had been built after their installation it was impossible to remove them from the hold.The predicament was a serious one and Edison was much annoyed.In the evening Itook the necessary instruments with me and went aboard the vessel where Istayed for the night.The dynamos were in bad condition,having several short-circuits and breaks,but with the assistance of the crew Isucceeded in putting them in good shape.At five o"clock in the morning,when passing along Fifth Avenue on my way to the shop,Imet Edison with Batchellor and a few others as they were returning home to retire."Here is our Parisian running around at night,"he said.When Itold him that Iwas coming from the Oregon and had repaired both machines,he looked at me in silence and walked away without another word.But when he had gone some distance Iheard him remark:"Batchellor,this is a good man,"and from that time on Ihad full freedom in directing the work.For nearly a year my regular hours were from 10.30A.M.until 5o"clock the next morning without a day"s exception.Edison said to me:"Ihave had many hard-working assistants but you take the cake."During this period Idesigned twenty-four different types of standard machines with short cores and of uniform pattern which replaced the old ones.The Manager had promised me fifty thousand dollars on the completion of this task but it turned out to be a practical joke.This gave me a painful shock and Iresigned my position.

Immediately thereafter some people approached me with the proposal of forming an arc light company under my name,to which Iagreed.Here finally was an opportunity to develop the motor,but when Ibroached the subject to my new associates,they said:"No,we want the arc lamp.We don"t care for this alternating current of yours."In 1886my system of arc lighting was perfected and adopted for factory and municipal lighting,and Iwas free,but with no other possession than a beautifully engraved certificate of stock of hypothetical value.Then followed a period of struggle in the new medium for which Iwas not fitted,but the reward came in the end and in April,1887,the Tesla Electric Company was organized,providing a laboratory and facilities.The motors Ibuilt there were exactly as Ihad imagined them.Imade no attempt to improve the design,but merely reproduced the pictures as they appeared to my vision and the operation was always as Iexpected.