
第10章 时尚服饰(2)

I think this type of color is a good match with it.我觉得这种颜色和它搭配很好。


The purple becomes you.紫色与您很相配。

The color is too light for this time for the year.现在这个季节穿这种颜色太浅了。

This type of color is well suited for your coat.这种颜色和您的外套很相配。

suit for适合

The colors are striking, yet not vulgar.这些颜色艳而不俗。


This color suits your complexion.这种颜色很适合你的肤色。



Would you like to help me look for any skirts that go with this sweater可以帮我挑选一下和这件毛绒衣搭配的裙子吗?

go with与……相配

Does this pink shirt match my handbag这件粉色衬衫与我的手提包搭配吗?

Do you have a vest to match this skirt你有没有可以配这条裙子的背心?

Do you think this blouse really suits me你觉得这件短上衣和我很配吗?

Now let me help you to choose a tie that goes well with the suit.现在我帮你挑一条搭配西服的领带。

The tiepin suits your tie very well.这个领带针很配你的领带。


Your necklace becomes well with your dress. 这条项链跟你的衣服很配。


This pair of shoes goes well with your dress.这双鞋子跟你的连衣裙很配。

The color of this tie can match all of my coats.这条领带的颜色可以和我所有的上衣相配。


What a beautiful dress!这件连衣裙真漂亮!

The quality is beyond what I thought.质量比我想的还要好。


It fits me well.这件衣服我穿上很合身。

It looks perfect on you.你穿上这件衣服很漂亮。


This dress fits you like a glove!这件衣服就像为你量身定做的一样!

You dressed with an individual flair.你穿出了个性。

What a nice dress!多漂亮的裙子啊!

You’re looking very smart in that new coat.这件新外套令你看上去很时髦。

It looks fabulous!看上去好极了!


You certainly have wonderful taste in clothes.你在服饰上十分有品位。


Do you have facial cream to go with that有与之配套的面霜吗?

facial cream面霜

What are the benefits of this mask这种面膜有什么特效?

I’d like a visible whitening mask.我要美白效果明显一点的面膜。

How much for this black mascara这支黑色的睫毛膏要多少钱?


I want a face massage.我要做个面部按摩。

Would you please exfoliate my skin请为我的皮肤去一下角质好吗?


I prefer a natural look.我喜欢淡一点的妆。

Now let’s do the eye shadow.现在,让我们来上眼影。

eye shadow眼影

I want to buy some cleansing milk.我想买洗面奶。

Your complexion is on the oily side.您的皮肤比较油。


Would you show me this pair of jade earrings能把这对翡翠耳环给我看看吗?


May I have a look at this gold necklace我可以看看这条项链吗?

This is an amber necklace.这是一条琥珀项链。


What kind of brooches do you have你们有哪几种胸针?

Can I try it on我可以试戴一下吗?

I want to buy some jewelry.我想买些珠宝首饰。

Which ring do you like你喜欢哪个戒指?

Can you recommend an engagement ring to me你能给我推荐一个结婚戒指吗?


It’s made of sapphire.它是用蓝宝石做的。

I wish to buy a diamond ring.我要买一只钻石戒指。

It’s 18 carat gold.它是18K金。

Can you show me the latest-style pearl necklace能给我看看最新款式的珍珠项链吗?

Is this opal这是猫眼石吗?



Would you tell me the number能告诉我度数吗?

What is the number of your glasses你的眼镜多大度数?

Do you have sun-glass for ladies你们有女式太阳镜吗?

Where are my glasses我的眼镜在哪儿?

Look at this sight-testing chart, please.请看这张视力检测表。

What kind of glasses do you like你喜欢哪种眼镜?

Do you have the scratch-proof lenses available你有防刮的镜片吗?

How long will you make a new pair多长时间能配一副新眼镜?

You should wear a pair of reading glasses.你应该戴一副老花镜。

reading glasses老花镜

Do you wear soft or hard contact lenses你戴软性还是硬性隐形眼镜?

contact lenses隐形眼镜