[1]. See, for example, Rappaport, A., Creating Shareholder Value: The New Standard for Business Performance, New York: Free Press, 1986, and Danielson, M.G. and Press, E., “Accountingreturns revisited: evidence of their usefulness in estimating economic returns,” Review of Accounting Studies, 8,493-530, 2003.
[2]. For a review of the extensive literature on the differences between the Anglo-Saxon, Continental and Japanese business systems, see Dore, R., Stock Market Capitalism: Welfare Capitalism. Japan and Germany versus Anglo-Saxons, New York: Oxford University Press, 2000, and Aoki, M., Towards a Comparative Institutional Analysis, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001.
[3]. See Bond, S.R, and Cummins, J.G., “The stock market and investment in the new economy: some tangible facts and intangible fictions,” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1,61-108, 2000, and Day, G., Fein, A.J. and Ruppersberger, G., “Shakeouts in digital markets: lessons from B2B exchanges, M California Management Review, 45(2), 131-50,2003.
[4].使用这一前沿统计分析法的是澳大利亚管理学研究生院教授(Australian Graduate School of Management) Timothy Devinney。他在该校哲学博士生 Pierre Richard 的帮助下完成了这项统计。
For the conceptual basis of our approachto using frontier analysis to measure financial perfonnance, see Richard, P.J., Devinney,T.M., Yip, G.S. and Johnson, G., “Measuring organizational performance as a dependentvariable: towards methodological best practice, Journal of Management, 35(3), 718-804,2009. For details of how we identified the 28 superior performing companies and theeight SSTs, see Devinney, T.M., Yip, G.S. and Johnson, G., "Using frontier analysis toevaluate company performance," British Journal of Management, 21(4), 921-38,2010.
For details on all the industries analyzed and more on the British companies researched,see Devinney, T.M., Yip, G.S. and Johnson, G., “Measuring long term superior perfoimance: the UK's long-term superior performers 1984-2003," Long Range Planning, 43(3), 390-413,2009.
[6]. Data for the average of 2001-2003.See Yip, G.S., Rugman, A.M. and Kudina, A., "International success of British companies, Long Range Planning, 39(3), 241-64, 2006.
[8]. Porter, M.E. Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors, New York: Free Press, 1980.
[9]. Barney, J.B., u Firm resources and sustained competitive advantages, "Journal of Management, 17, 99-120, 1991.
[10]. Morgan Stanley, The Competitive Edge, New York: Morgan Stanley, 1998.