


"This is getting to be an amazing old world,"said a young girl,still in her "teens,"as she musinglya leaned her chin on her hand.

"It has always been an amazing old world,Beth,"said another girl who was sitting on the porchb railingc and swinging her feet in the air.

"True,Patsy,"was the reply;"but the people are doingsuch peculiar things nowadays.""Yes,yes!"exclaimed a little man who occupied a reclining chaird within hearing distance;"that is the way with you young folks—always confounding the world with its people.""Don't the people make the world,Uncle John ?"asked Patricia Doyle,looking at him quizzically.

"No,indeed;the world could get along very well without its people;but the people—""To be sure;they need the world,"laughed Patsy,her blue eyes twinkling so that they glori?ede her plain,freckled face.

"Nevertheless,"said Beth de Graf,soberly,"I thinkthe people have struck a rapid pace these days and are growing bold and impudent.The law appears to allow them too much liberty.After our experience of this morning I shall not besurprised at anything that happens—especially in this crankya state of California.""To what experience do you alludeb,Beth?"asked UncleJohn,sitting up straight and glancing from one to another of his two nieces.He was a genial looking,round—faced man,quite bald and inclined to be a tri?e stoutc;yet his ?fty—odd years sat lightly upon him.

"Why,we had quite an adventure this morning,"said Patsy,laughing again at the recollection,and answering her uncle because Beth hesitated to."For my part,I think it was fun,and harmless fun,at that;but Beth was scared out of a year's growth.I admit feeling a little creepy at the time,myself;but it was all a joke and really we ought not to mind itat all.""Tell me all about it,my dear!"said Mr.Merrick,earnestly,for whatever affected his beloved nieces was of prime importance to him.

"We were taking our morning stroll along the streets,"beganPatsy,"when on turning a corner we came upon a crowd of people who seemed to be greatly excited.Most of them were workmen in ?annel shirts,their sleeves rolled up,their hands grimyd with toil.These stood before a brick building that seemed like a factory,while from its doors other crowds ofworkmen and some shopgirls were rushing into the street and several policemen were shaking their clubs and running here and there in a sort of panic.At first Beth and I stopped and hesitated to go on,but as the sidewalk seemed open and fairly free I pulled Beth along,thinking we might discover what the row was about.Just as we got opposite the building a big workman rushed at us and shouted:'Go back—go back!The wall is falling.'""Well,Uncle,you can imagine our dismaya.We bothscreamed,for we thought our time had come,for sure.My legs were so weak that Beth had to drag me away and her face was white as a sheet and full of terror.Somehow we managed to stagger into the street,where a dozen men caught us and hurried us away.I hardly thought we were in a safe place when the big workman cried:'There,young ladies;that will do.Your expression was simply immense and if this doesn't turn out to be the best ?lm of the year,I'll miss my guess !Your terror—strickenb features will make a regular hit,for the terror wasn't assumed,you know.Thank you very much for happening along just then."Patsy stopped her recital to laugh once more,withgenuine merrimentc,but her cousin Beth seemed annoyed and Uncle John was frankly bewildered.

"But—what—what—was it all about ?"he inquired.

"Why,they were taking a moving picture,that was all,and the workmen and shopgirls and policemen were all actors.There must have been a hundred of them,all told,and when we recovered from our scare I could hear the machine beside me clicking away as it took the picture.""Did the wall fall?"asked Uncle John.

"Not just then.They first got the picture of the rush—out and the panic,and then they stopped the camera and moved the people to a safe distance away.We watched them set up some dummya ?gures of girls and workmen,closer in,and then in some way they toppledb over the big brick wall.It fell into the street with a thundering crash,but only the dummies were buried under the debrisc."Mr.Merrick drew a long breath.

"It's wonderful!"he exclaimed."Why,it must have cost a lot of money to ruin such a building—and all for the sake of a picture!""That's what I said to the manager,"replied Patsy;"but he told us the building was going to be pulled down,anyhow,and a better one built in its place;so he invented a picture story to ?t the falling walls and it didn't cost him so much as one might think.So you see,Uncle,we are in that picture—big as life and scared stiff—and I'd give a lot to see how we look when we're positively terror—stricken.""It will cost you just ten cents,"remarked Beth,with a shrug;"that is,if the picture proves good enough to be displayed at one of those horrid little theatres.""One?"said Uncle John."One thousand little theatres,most likely,will show the picture,and perhaps millions of spectators will see you and Patsy running from the falling wall.""Dear me!"wailed Patsy."That's more fame than Ibargained for.Do millions go to see motion pictures,Uncle ?""I believe so.The making of these pictures is getting tobe an enormous industry.I was introduced to Otis Werner,the other day,and he told me a good deal about it.Werner is with one of the big concerns here—the Continental,I think—and he's a very nice and gentlemanly fellow.I'll introduce you to him,some time,and he'll tell you all the wonders of the motion picture business.""I haven't witnessed one of those atrociousa exhibitions for months,"announced Beth;"nor have I any desire to see one again.""Not our own special picture?"asked Patsy reproachfully.