
第19章 G(1)

gad about [around](不及物)闲逛

The boys gadded about while their classmates were reading.班上同学们都在读书时,这几个男生在到处闲逛。

Dave has gadded about all the time ever since he was expelled from school.戴夫自从被学校开除以来,一直东游西荡。

gang up against [on](及物,不可分)结成联盟

It is indignant to see some scoundrels ganging up against the little fellow.看到几个恶棍结成一伙对付这个小家伙,令人愤慨。

Those young men swollen with arrogance ganged up against their venerable seniors.那些趾高气扬的后生联合起来反对他们年高德劭的前辈们。

The small parties gang up against the big party in running for the presidency.在竞选总统中几个小党联合起来反对那个大党。

get about(不及物)到处走动

The singer by profession gets about much.这位专业歌手经常到处跑。

It is a relief to hear that you can get about again after being ill long.听说你久病后又能到处走动了,感到宽慰。

He is a purchasing agent,getting about everywhere.他是个采购人员,到处奔波。

get across [over](及物,可分)使…被理解

I simply can't get across my idea to her.我简直无法使她明白我的想法。

He tried to explain the problem,but he did not get the explanation across to his girlfriend.他试图把问题解释清楚,但他的解释并不能使他的女朋友理解。

get ahead(不及物)获得进展

It is the most industrious student who gets ahead.获得成功的是最勤奋的学生。

Ten students from this class got ahead in the university entrance examination.这个班有10个学生考上了大学。

He got ahead in discovering a new vaccine.他成功地发现了一种新疫苗。

get ahead of(及物,不可分)超过

Anna had run faster than the other runners,but Ira got ahead of her soon.安娜曾比别的赛跑运动员跑得快,但艾拉很快超过了她。

The other runner got ahead of me.另一位赛跑运动员超过了我。

In industrialization some Asian countries have got ahead of the European powers.在工业化方面,有些亚洲国家已经超过了欧洲大国。

get along1(不及物)走开,离去

Get along,little boy;don't bother me.走开,小鬼,别打搅我。

We must get along early.我们得早点离开。

get along2(不及物)彼此生活在一起

Some married couples get along better than others.有些夫妇相处得比别的夫妇好。

The sisters are getting along very well.姐妹们相处得很好。

get along3(不及物)(工作等)取得进展

He is getting along well with his English.他在英语学习方面进步很快。

How is Tom getting along with his new book?汤姆的新书写得怎么样了?

In school work some students get along better than others.有些学生的学业比别的学生好。

How is your business getting along?你的生意做得怎样?

get along4(不及物)生活下去

How can we get along without any income?什么收入都没有,我们怎么过日子?

The lonely old man can get along with the aid of social relief.这位孤单的老人能借助社会救济生活下去。

He gets along by farming.他靠务农为生。

get along with(及物,不可分)同…一起生活[工作]

How do you get along with your colleagues?你跟你的同事们相处得怎样?

He can't get along with anybody.他和谁都合不来。

get around [round]to抽出必要的时间去做

Taft often says he is going to write a novel,but he has never got round to it.塔夫脱常说他打算写一部长篇小说,但他从未抽时间去兑现。

Will you please wait for a moment?I'll get round to serving you when I have entertained this customer.请你等一会儿好吗?我招待完这位顾客后就抽时间来为你服务。

get at1(及物,不可分)意思是指

Don't take it as a joke;I'm getting at business.不要拿它当玩笑,我说的是正经事。

You must be sure that I am always getting at what I say.你必须相信,我向来说话算数。

When he referred to the good student,he was getting at you.他所讲的那个好学生指的就是你。

get at2(及物,不可分)伸手触及

The patient could not get at the switch,however hard he tried.病人不论怎么使劲还是够不着电灯开关。

I can't get at the tools on the shelf.我够不着架子上放的工具。

get at3(及物,不可分)懂得

It is no easy thing to get at the meaning of every idiom in English.了解每个英语惯用语的意义不是容易的事。

I don't get at why you did that sort of thing.我不懂你为什么做那种事。

The scholar's bad behaviour is very hard to get at.这位学者的恶劣行为很难理解。

get away1(不及物)逃跑

A robber got away by swimming across the river.一个强盗游过河逃跑了。

Two tigers got away from the zoo last night.两只老虎昨夜逃出了动物园。

The thief got away just before the police came.就在警察到来之前,小偷逃掉了。

She got away from the burning house.她从失火的房屋中逃出。

The prisoner had little difficulty in getting away from the guards.那个囚犯没费劲就从看守眼皮底下逃脱了。

get away2(不及物)离开

He was so busy that he could not get away from the office.他忙得很,一步也不能离开办公室。

When did you get away from London?你什么时候离开伦敦的?

I thought the guests would never get away soon.我想客人们决不会马上离去。

get away with(及物,不可分)偷走,抢夺

A pickpocket got away with my purse.扒手偷走了我的钱包。

A gang of masked bandits surprised a savings bank yesterday and got away with over two million.一伙蒙面歹徒昨天袭击了一家储蓄所,抢走了二百多万元。

get back1(不及物)返回

Henry got back two days after Christmas.圣诞节后两天亨利就回来了。

He has just got back from the countryside.他刚从农村回来。

We spent the whole day in the mountains and didn't get back till night.我们在山里度过了一整天时间,直到晚上才回来。

He left and soon got back.他走了,很快又回来了。

get back2(及物,可分)拿回

My bicycle has been lent to a friend.I'll get it back.我的自行车已借给一位朋友,我要把它取回。

I've got back the articles that were stolen from my house.我已把我家被偷走的东西取了回来。


I forgot to get the books back to the library when they became due.我忘了把到期的书还给图书馆。

We got the empty bottle back to the shop.我们把空瓶退还商店。

get behind(不及物)(在…方面)落后

This football team got behind at first but then caught up.开始这支足球队落后于别的队,但随后就赶上了。

He got behind in his studies.他学习跟不上。

The lodger always gets behind with the rental.这位房客经常拖欠租金。

These beasts were always on the lookout for any weak man that got behind.这些野兽总是在寻找身体虚弱的掉队者。

get by1(不及物)过活,活下来

There was little food,but we got by.没有多少食物了,但我们还是活过来了。

Two persons were killed and he got by in the car crash.在车祸中有两人死亡,他却幸免于难。

I think I can get by on such a meagre income.我想我靠这点微薄的收入也可以勉强糊口。

get by2(不及物)勉强过得去

Your school work can get by,but you should make still greater efforts.你的学业差强人意,不过应当再努一把力。

I have no fashionable dress to wear,but I'll get by in this one.我没有时装穿,但我就穿这件也过得去。

get down(不及物)下来

The one-year-old child on the chair was afraid to get down.椅子上的一岁小孩儿不敢下来。

At a small station he got down from the train.他在一个小站下了火车。

Get down at once!The ladder isn't steady.梯子不稳,快下来!


The chick got a pea down.小鸡吃力地吞下了一颗豌豆。

The child had a fever and got a mouthful of bitter liquid medicine down.这孩子发烧了,好不容易咽下了一口苦药水。

get in1(不及物)进入

They went to their car and got in.他们走到自己的汽车旁,上了车。

Please do not get in without knocking on the door.进来前请先敲门。

They got in through the hole in the fence.他们钻过篱笆上的洞进来了。

The guests got in by the front door.客人们从前门进来了。