
第20章 G(2)

get in2(不及物)到达The train got in ten minutes late.列车晚点10分钟到站。

She has got in safe.她已平安到达。

The coach got in on time.长途汽车准时到达。

get in3(及物,可分)收割(农作物)

It will rain;the villagers were obliged to get in wheat beforehand.快下雨了,村民们不得不提前收割小麦。

The farmers were delighted to get the corn in so early this year.今年这么早就收割小麦,农民们很高兴。

If the good weather continues,the farmers will be able to get the harvest in.如果好天气持续下去,农民们就能把庄稼收割上来。


He is ill;let's get the doctor in.他病了,请医生来吧。

There's some trouble with our freezer.Do you mind getting a maintenance worker in to repair it?我们的冰箱出了毛病,可否请维修工来修一下?

get into1(及物,不可分)进入

The thief got into the bus.小偷上了公共汽车。

Women and children were the first to get into the lifeboats.妇女和儿童首先上了救生艇。

He got into a wrong room.他进错了房间。

The boy forgot to knock before getting into the room.这男孩忘了敲门就进了房间。

Something got into my right eye.I don't know how to get it out.有东西进了我的右眼,我不知如何把它弄出来。

get into2(及物,不可分)穿(衣、鞋等)

These boots are too tight;I can't get into them.这些靴子太紧,我穿不上。

The old man cautioned his son against getting into bell-bottoms.老人告诫儿子不要穿喇叭裤。

It's very cold today.You had better get into your overcoat outdoors.今天很冷,在户外你最好穿上大衣。

get into3(及物,不可分)不自觉地进入(某种激动状态)

The boy got into a temper and began scattering his toys about.这男孩发起脾气来,把玩具扔得到处都是。

When Madding found himself fooled by evil people,he couldn't help getting into a rage.马丁发现自己上了坏人的当,不禁勃然大怒。

get off1(不及物)下车、马等

No sooner had the pickpocket stolen a lady's purse on the bus than he got off.扒手在公共汽车上刚偷了一位女士的钱包就下车了。

An old man slowly got off.一位老头儿慢慢下了车。

At an intermediate station the conductor got off and checked the rails.在一个中途站,列车员下车检查了铁轨。

get off2(及物,不可分)从(车、马等上)下来

An old man slowly got off the bus.一位老头儿慢慢下了公共汽车。

He got off his bicycle and went into his office.他下了自行车就进办公室了。

The murderer was caught before getting off the train.那个杀人犯还没来得及下火车就被抓住了。

get off3(不及物)出发

We must get off early and arrive before lunch.我们必须早一点动身并且在午饭前到达。

It's a long trip.We'll have to get off early.这是一次长途旅行,我们必须很早就出发。

We are getting off tomorrow.我们明天动身。

get off4(及物,可分)(把信件、电报等)寄出[发出]

I got off a telegram to her.我给她发了一封电报。

We must get off the medicine to them by air mail.我们必须把药品航空寄给他们。

Will you please get this express off immediately?请把这快件立刻寄出好吗?

They got the mail off without too much delay.他们把邮件寄出,没有太耽误时间。

get off with(及物,不可分)跟(异性)好起来

You seemed to have a good time at the evening party.I saw you get off with that pretty girl.你好像在晚会上玩得很痛快。我看见你跟那个漂亮女孩挺亲热的。

At their first meeting she got off with a strange man.初次见面她就跟一个陌生男子打得火热。

get on1(及物,不可分)上(车、马、飞机等)

Wang Lin and Li Ping are getting on the bus.王林和李平正在上公共汽车。

The old woman got on the bus in Chicago.这位老太太在芝加哥上了公共汽车。

Lily got on her bicycle and cycled off.莉莉骑她的自行车走了。

get on2(不及物)上车、马、飞机等

The soldiers stood beside their horses,waiting for the order to get on.士兵们站在他们的马旁,等待上马的命令。

The old man got on at London.这老头儿在伦敦登机。

get on3(不及物)获得成功

I wish you getting on in your job.祝你事业上取得成功。

He is the type of person who gets on anywhere.他是不论在何处都会出头的那种人。


Why don't you get your hat on?你为什么不戴上帽子呢?

They've got their coats on and are all ready to go.他们穿上外衣,准备好了要走。

get on with1(及物,不可分)继续(做)

I expect you all to get on with your work when I am away from home.我希望我不在家时你们大家都能继续工作。

Don't watch television and get on with your dinner!别看电视了,继续吃你的饭吧!

get on with2(及物,不可分)在…方面有进展

She is getting on nicely with the art of cooking;her meals are becoming tasty.她的烹饪术很有进步,她做的饭菜比较可口了。

I'm getting on well with my work.我的工作进展顺利。

get on with3(及物,不可分)与…接触来往

There is no getting on with a capricious man.同反复无常的人最难相处。

John said that he could get on well with people there.约翰说,他能和那里的人和睦相处。

How is your new classmate getting on with all of you?你们班上新来的那位同学和你们大家相处得怎么样?

How do you get on with him?你跟他合得来吗?

get out(不及物)离开,出来

When the car stopped,Kenning got out.当汽车停下来时,肯宁下了车。

The girl fell into the pit and could not get out.那女孩掉进了地窖里无法出来。

We all got out to welcome our soldiers.我们大家都出来欢迎子弟兵。

Let's get out for a walk.让我们出去走走。

get out of1(及物,不可分)躲开

The boy hoped that he could get out of trouble.这男孩希望他能逃避烦恼。

He is an old hand at getting out of dirty work.他是躲避干脏活的老手。

In his speech he got out of the most important issue.他在发言中回避了最重要的问题。

get out of2(及物,不可分)脱离,放弃

I found it hard to get out of a difficult position.我发现难以摆脱困境。

He has got out of smoking.他已经戒烟。

You must get out of gambling,and the sooner the better.你必须戒赌,越早越好。

get over1(及物,不可分)(从疾病、伤痛等中)恢复过来

He's got over his pneumonia.他的肺炎已经好了。

Nina got over her cold very quickly.尼娜的感冒很快好了。

I had hardly got over my astonishment before another blast was heard.我惊魂未定,又听到一声爆炸。

Has that country got over the effects of the war?那个国家是否已从战争的影响下复原了?

get over2(及物,不可分)克服

With patience and determination we can get over every difficulty.有坚忍不拔的精神我们就能克服一切困难。

His explanation failed to get over my doubts.他的解释并没有消除我的疑虑。

Encouraged by his teacher,he got over his shyness.在老师的鼓励下,他克服了怕羞的毛病。

get over3(及物,不可分)忘记

For a long time I could not get over the scene.当时的情景我久久不能忘怀。

I'll never get over the day we first met.我永不会忘记我们初次见面的那一天。

Don't get over the children when you go shopping for gifts.你去买礼物时别忘了给孩子们带一点。

I shall never get over your kindness to me.我永远不会忘怀你对我的好意。

get over4(及物,不可分)越过

The thief got over the wall and ran away.窃贼越墙跑掉了。

We got safely over the fence.我们安全地翻过了栅栏。

They came to a river and wondered how to get over it.他们来到河边,不知道如何过河。

get through1(不及物)完成

Madden worked until midnight but finally got through.马登工作到午夜,但终于完成了。

It's an urgent task;we should get through by tonight.这是一项紧急任务,我们应在今晚以前完成。

get through2(不及物)打通电话

I tried to get through to you this morning,but the telephone broke down.今天上午我想跟你联系,可是电话出了故障。

They always communicate with each other by telephone,but sometimes all the lines were engaged and they couldn't get through.他们经常电话联系,但有时所有线路都占线,打不通。