
第23章 G(5)

go off4(不及物)(食物)变坏

Fish and meat go off easily in summer.夏天鱼和肉容易变质。

Eggs go off very quickly during the dog days.在三伏天鸡蛋很快就会坏。

The bean curd will go off soon.这豆腐快变质了。

go on1(不及物)发生

Blake heard a noise and felt something was going on.布莱克听见嘈杂声,感到发生了什么事。

This is the place where the accident went on.这里是发生意外的地方。

You won't believe what went on last night.昨晚发生的事你别当真。

go on2(不及物)继续进行下去

I'm sorry to have troubled you.Please go on.很抱歉,我打扰了你,请继续说吧。

The party went on until midnight.晚会持续到午夜。

Let him go on and finish his work.让他继续干下去,好完成他的工作。

go on3(不及物)(时间)流逝

As the days went on,I got used to the tough conditions.随着时光的流逝,我对艰苦环境习惯了。

He went away in April,and now four months have gone on and it's August.他四月离去,现已过了四个月,是八月了。

Five years have gone on since she left us.自从她离开我们,五年过去了。

go on4(及物)接近

The boy is two going on three.这男孩两岁多快三岁了。

It's going on three years since we saw her last.从上次见到她至今将近三年了。

go on and on(不及物)持续好久

The meeting went on and on last night.会议昨晚一连开了很长时间。

The cloudy and drizzly weather went on and on in the past few days.近日阴雨连绵。

The get-together of soldiers and civilians went on and on last night.昨晚军民联欢会持续了很久。

go on with(及物,不可分)继续做

After a short break he went on with his story.休息了一会儿之后,他继续讲他的故事。

Will you go on with gardening after supper?晚饭后你会继续整理花园吗?

We'll go on with the project even without their support.即使没有他们的支援,我们也要继续进行这项工程。

"Let me go on with the operation,"said the surgeon.“我们继续做手术吧。”外科医生说。

go out1(不及物)(灯、火)熄灭

The fire has gone out.火灭了。

I was reading the evening paper when suddenly the lights went out.我正在看晚报,灯突然灭了。

Have you got any matches?This cigarette has gone out.你有火柴吗?这支香烟灭了。

go out2(不及物)不再流行

Such films go out now.这类影片现在过时了。

Some slang words have gone out.有些俚语已经过时了。

That model of color television went out five years ago.那种样式的彩色电视机五年前就不时兴了。

go out3(不及物)卸职

The foreign minister went out.这位外交部长下台了。

The statesman was obliged to go out in the previous military coup.这位政治家在上次军事政变中被迫下台。

go over1(及物,不可分)检查,视察,核对

They carefully went over every process again,but without result.他们又仔细地检查了每道工序,但没有结果。

I had thoroughly gone over the television before I bought it.我买下这台电视机前详细地检查了一番。

The accountant went over the books.会计查核了账目。

The minister went over the oil field.部长视察了油田。

go over2(及物,不可分)查看(房屋等)

A friend of mine advised me to go over a residence before buying it to avoid being fooled.我的一位朋友劝我在买住宅前里里外外查看一下房子,以免上当。

I intend to buy a new apartment,but I have little time to go over it.我打算买一套新居室,但我几乎没有时间去查看一下。

go over3(及物,不可分)复习

Let's go over the lessons again.咱们把课文再复习一遍吧。

We'll go over the new words.我们要复习新词。

He has the habit of going over the last word of every sentence.他有把每句话的最后一个词重说一遍的习惯。

go through1(及物,不可分)经历

Modern science and technology are going through a great revolution.现代科学技术正在经历着一场伟大的革命。

Our country has gone through a series of reforms in the last twenty years.在过去二十年中,我们的国家经历了一系列改革。

The plan had gone through great changes before it was accepted.这计划在进行过重大修改之后才被认可。