hail from(及物,不可分)是…地方的人
According to his accent,I should say he hails from the north.从他的口音判断,我敢说他是北方人。
I hail from Manchester but have spent most of my life in London.我是曼彻斯特人,但大半生住在伦敦。
Our English professor hails from Wales.我们的英语教授是威尔士人。
hand in(及物,可分)呈上,递交
The demonstrators handed in a statement protesting against hegemonism.示威者递交了一份声明抗议霸权主义。
She handed in her application for membership of the Party.她交了入党申请书。
"You should hand your papers in on Friday,"the teacher said.“你们应该在星期五把书面作业交来”,老师说。
The letter was not for me and I handed it on to the next clerk.这封信不是寄给我的,我把它传给下一位办事员。
The custom was handed on from generation to generation.这习俗代代相传。
hand out(及物,可分)散发
In certain drugstore,somebody was handing out the advertisements for the sale of medicines.在某个药房里,有人在散发推销药物的广告。
The Chinese version of the statement was handed out to the pressmen.声明的中译本分发给新闻记者了。
Please hand these books out to the students.请把这些书分发给学生。
hand over(及物,可分)移交(权力等)
Before leaving,the section chief handed over his job to me.科长临走前把工作移交给我了。
He has resigned and will hand his charge over today.他已辞职,今天将移交他的职责。
These instruments have been handed over to the research institute.这批仪器已经移交给研究所了。
hang about [around](不及物)闲呆着,游逛
A furtive fellow was seen hanging about last evening.昨晚看见一个贼头贼脑的家伙在闲荡。
Let's hang about a while.我们呆一会儿吧!
Who knows why those young men are hanging about on the street corner?谁知道那些小伙子为什么在街头闲逛?
Don't hang about,we have a train to catch!别闲逛啦,我们要赶火车。
hang back(不及物)畏缩不前,犹豫
People who are afraid of everything often hang back.对什么都怕的人往往畏缩不前。
Don't hang back as this is a safe bridge.这座桥很安全,不要犹犹豫豫不敢过去。
We sent for him to join in the evening party but he hung back.我们请他参加晚会,可是他犹豫不决。
hang back from(及物,不可分)对…犹豫不决
She never hangs back from anything that benefits her friends.对有利于朋友的事,她决不犹豫。
The great power hung back from sending troops into the neighbouring country.这个大国对于派军队进入邻国犹豫不决。
She hung back from the choice between the two dresses.选两件衣服中的哪一件,她拿不定主意。
hang on1(不及物)等一下(电话用语)
Please hang on while I'm looking for his address in my note book.请不要挂电话,让我在笔记本上找一下他的地址。
I'll look for Jack if you'll hang on.请别挂电话,我去找杰克。
hang on2(不及物)坚持下去
He hangs on despite the difficulties,especially the lack of funds.他不顾困难特别是缺乏资金的困难,而坚持下来。
The long-distance runner hung on and finally won.这位长跑选手坚持跑下去,最终获胜。
hang on3(及物,不可分)取决于
Whether the concert will be given in the open hangs on the weather.露天音乐会是否举办要看天气而定。
As a technical personnel,how much he can earn hangs on his technical ability.作为一个技术人员,他能挣多少钱取决于他的技能。
hang out(不及物)住
May I know where you hang out?你能告诉我你的住处吗?
I've hung out at Willow Street for twenty years.我已经在柳荫街住了20年。
They hang out in a three-room apartment.他们住在一套三居室的单元房里。
hang over(及物,不可分)威胁
The drought hangs over the whole crops.旱灾威胁着所有的农作物。
Noisy traffic hangs over our way of life in this village.喧闹的交通对本村的生活方式构成了威胁。
The growing military power of that country hangs over its neighbors.该国日益增长的军事力量威胁着邻国。
hang together(不及物)团结
We must hang together if we are to defeat our common enemy.我们如果要打败共同的敌人,就必须团结一致。
The two parties hang together to form a coalition government.两党联合起来组成联合政府。
Those opposed to the proposal hung together.反对这个提案的那些人团结在一起。
hang up1(不及物)挂上话筒而结束与某人通话
Don't hang up!My mother has a word with you.别挂电话!我妈妈跟你谈几句话。
Telling the caller that she had dialed a wrong number,I hung up.我对来电话的人说她拨错了号码,接着就把电话挂断了。
I said something that made Joe angry,and he hung up.我说了几句使乔生气的话,他不等我说完便把电话挂断了。
hang up2(及物,不可分)耽搁
His arrival was hung up by the bad weather.由于天气不好,他延期到达。
I'm sorry I'm late.I got hung up by a friend on the way here.对不起,我来晚了。在来这儿的路上被一个朋友耽搁了。
The afternoon performance was hung up by the illness of some of the actors.下午的演出因某些演员生病而延期了。
happen on [upon]1(及物,不可分)偶然遇到
I happened on an old friend yesterday.昨天我偶然碰到一位老朋友。
We happened on a party of climbers on an excursion.我们在短途旅行中意外地碰见一伙登山者。
I happened on Miss Iris at the gymnasium.我在体育馆偶然遇见艾丽斯小姐。
happen on [upon]2(及物,不可分)偶然发现
One can happen on some strange facts while reading.一个人在阅读时可能意外发现一些奇怪的事实。
I happened on this old diary in my desk.我在我的办公桌抽屉里偶然发现了这本旧日记。
While digging a well,the farmer happened on a vessel containing old coins.那个农夫挖井时意外地发现了一个装着古钱币的罐子。
hark back to(及物,不可分)回想,重提
I can't hark back to when I first met this man.我想不起是什么时候同这个人初次见面的。
Sometimes I couldn't help harking back to the scenes in my youth.有时我不禁回忆起自己年轻时的情景。
The meeting was nearly over when he harked back to the problem of the new wage rates.会议快结束时他重提新的工资等级问题。
To expose the swindler's true face,we have to hark back to a matter of the past.要揭露那个骗子的真面目,我们得旧事重提。
harp on(及物,不可分)反复讲(不幸、困难等)
It's unfavourable to one's health to harp on one's misfortunes.老诉说自己的不幸对健康不利。
You must not take his death to heart.It does no good to harp on it.你必须对他的死想得开。反复讲此事没有好处。
Horn is a man of a sanguine disposition.He does not harp on his grieves.霍恩是个性情开朗的男子汉,他不会老谈自己的伤心事。
have on1(及物,可分)穿着
I noticed he had on bedroom slippers.我注意到他穿着拖鞋。
Jennie still had her bathrobe on.珍妮仍然穿着她的浴衣。
Tyre fell asleep in a daze,and when waking up he found himself having his shoes on.泰尔迷迷糊糊地睡着了,当他醒来时发现自己还穿着鞋。
have on2(及物,可分)戴着
What a nice hat you have on!你戴的这顶帽子多好看啊!
He had on a red turban.She had on a pretty gauze kerchief.他戴着一条红色头巾。她戴着一条漂亮的纱巾。
The general had his belt and sword on when he met the foreign guests.这位将军会见外宾时束着腰带佩着剑。
head for(及物,不可分)朝着…方向前进
We are heading for Beijing.我们上北京去。
That clique is heading for its doom.那个集团在走向灭亡。
Lily and Bob headed for the mountains for their vacation.莉莉和鲍勃去山上度假。
You are heading for disaster if you carry on smoking.如果你继续抽烟,那你就是走向灾难。
hear about(及物,不可分)获悉,听说
How did you hear about the new medicine?你是如何知道这新药的?
I hear about her having gone to the south.我听说她到南方去了。
We''ve never heard about such a thing.我们从来没听说过这种事。
How glad we are to hear about the incompetent man's dismissal.听说这个不称职的人下台了,我们多高兴啊!