laugh at(不及物)嘲笑
It is bad manners to laugh at someone's shortcomings.嘲笑别人的缺点是不礼貌的。
No one laughed at her when she failed.当她失败时,没有人嘲笑她。
laugh off [away](及物,可分)对…一笑了事
They tried to laugh off the embarrassing situation.他们企图以打哈哈来摆脱尴尬的处境。
"Was Irene angry?""No,she just laughed it off."“艾琳生气了吗?”“不,她只是一笑了事。”
You should criticize your own mistakes earnestly,and not just laugh them off.要认真批评自己的错误,不要一笑置之。
launch out into(及物,不可分)开始大干
Teacher Wang who has retired for a couple of years is now launching out into business.已退休两三年的王老师现在开始做生意。
Last year she launched out into her career as a teacher.去年她开始当教师。
Both sides launched out into a new round of talks with each other.双方开始了新的一轮会谈。
lay about(及物,不可分)挥拳乱揍或猛烈抨击
He laid about her desperately as the crowd tried to stop him.他拳脚交加拼命揍她,这时许多人竭力来制止。
The boy's mother was so angry that she wanted to lay about him.这男孩的母亲气得想要狠狠地打他。
The editorial laid about that case of embezzlement.社论猛烈抨击那起贪污案件。
lay aside [by]1(及物,可分)贮存,把…留待后用
He is laying aside some money for his old age.他正积蓄一些钱来防老。
He usually lays aside half an hour a day for writing a diary.他通常每天留半小时写日记。
His daughter laid aside five dollars a week.他的女儿每个星期攒五美元。
I have to lay some money aside for purchasing a flat.我得攒一些钱买一套单元住宅。
lay aside [by]2(及物,可分)放弃
He suggested that you lay aside the habit of smoking.他建议你戒烟。
The plans for the new building were laid aside.建造新大楼的方案都被取消了。
lay down1(及物,不可分)牺牲(生命)
A memorial is held every year for those who have laid down their lives for the freedom of thier motherland.每年都举行仪式,纪念那些为他们祖国的自由牺牲了生命的人们。
The martyr laid down his life for the cause of national independence.这位烈士是为民族独立事业而捐躯的。
lay down2(及物,可分)规定,制定
A primary school lays down a daily schedule for the pupils each term.小学校每学期都为学生制定作息时间表。
He has laid down a travelling plan for the summer vacation.他拟订了一个暑期旅行计划。
The Government has laid down some decrees protecting cultural relics.政府已制定一些保护文物的法令。
lay into(及物,不可分)痛打,痛斥
They laid into the thief with fists.他们用拳头狠狠揍小偷。
Leich removed his jacket and laid into his opponent.莱克脱掉夹克,痛打他的对手。
Our neighbours are always making a noise,laying into their children.我们的邻居老是痛骂孩子,吵闹得很。
lay off1(及物,可分)暂时解雇
The factory will lay off thirty workers.这家工厂将临时解雇30名工人。
That American company is laying the staff off.那家美国公司正在裁员。
During the last depression thousands of workers,both black and white,were laid off.上次经济萧条期间,许许多多黑人和白人工人被解雇。
lay off2(及物,不可分)(为健康原因)停止做(某事)
The doctor advised me to lay off staying up late.医生劝我不要熬夜。
The young man said he would lay off playing mah-jong all night.这小伙子说不再通宵打麻将。
The cancer patient was told that he should lay off drinking hard liquor.这位癌症患者被告知,他应当停止喝烈性酒。
James is laid up with a bad leg.詹姆斯因有腿疾不能起床。
Apoplexy laid his grandmother up for a long time.中风使他的奶奶长期卧床不起。
He has been laid up for three months with serious injury.他因受了重伤已经卧床三个月。
lead up to(及物,不可分)导致
The traffic accident led up to the driver's death.这起交通事故导致司机的死亡。
A series of diseases led up to his death.一连串的疾病导致了他的死亡。
leave off(及物,可分)停止
The Government took moves to leave off these transactions.政府采取了行动停止这些交易。
I left off seeing the play at the end of Act 1.我看完这出戏的第一幕就没再看下去。
Neilson's father exhorted him again and again to leave off gambling.(or:Neilson's father exhorted him again and again to leave gambling off.)尼尔森的父亲再三告诫他戒赌。
Road lamps must be left on all night for the convenience of the pedestrians.为了方便行人,路灯必须通夜开着。
Alice left the radio on while she cleaned up the kitchen.艾丽斯一直开着收音机打扫厨房。
leave out(及物,可分)遗漏
My speech at the meeting left out an important viewpoint.我在会上的发言遗漏了一个重要观点。
Don't leave out his name from the free list.免费入场者的名单上别把他的名字漏掉了。
Be sure not to leave this item out in the contract.合同上这一项务必不要漏掉。
There is no time to debate this knotty problem;let's leave it over in the days to come.现在没有时间争论这个棘手的问题,让我们把它搁到以后再谈吧。
I suggest leaving the problem over for the time being.我建议把这个问题暂时搁置起来。
His promotion to a higher office may be left over till next year.他晋升的事可能推迟到明年再说。
let down(及物,可分)放下
Let down the curtain.放下窗帘。
Let the truck down slowly with the crane.用起重机把卡车慢慢放下。
Juliet has learned how to let a dress down.朱丽叶已学会怎样把衣服放长。
I won't let my parents down.我不会让父母失望。
The football player let the team down by not trying hard.这位足球运动员由于努力不够使全队失望。
The plot is good,but the ending lets you down.情节是好的,但结局令人失望。
let in(及物,可分)让…进入
Lancey let in her neighbor's little boy.兰西让她邻居的小男孩进了屋。
I am shivering with cold.Would you mind letting me in?我冷得发抖,让我进来好吗?
The janitor opened the door and let me in.看门人开了门,让我进屋。
This yacht let in water.这只游艇进了水。 on...(及物,必分)让…知道[内情],让…参与[某事]
Please tell us.Let us in on the secret!请告诉我们。让我们知道这个秘密吧!
I swear I never let anyone in on the matter.我发誓决不让任何人参与这个事情。
let off1(及物,可分)对…免予惩罚,宽恕
The court will not let off the young criminals but make them go to prison.法庭不会让那些年轻罪犯逍遥法外,而是判他们进监狱。
Nothing can let off such an offence.这种罪过是无法宽恕的。
He was charged with neglecting his duty,but the court let him off.他被指控失职,可是法庭未予惩处。
If you do that again,they won't let you off so easily.如果你再干那事,他们就不会这么轻易地放过你。
let off2(及物,可分)开(枪炮),放(烟火)
During the Spring Festival small boys always let fireworks off.春节期间小男孩们常常放烟火。
He let off a shot at the enemy.他向敌人开了一枪。
let on(及物,不可分)泄露
Don't let on to my mother that my purse has been stolen.别向我妈妈泄露我的钱包被偷了。
Gilman didn't let on that he was hurt.吉尔曼没有透露他受伤的事。
They told each other not to let on their secret meetings.他们彼此告诫不让任何人知道他们的秘密会议。
let out(of)1(及物,可分)让…出去,放出
Let me out of here!Let me out!让我从这儿出去!让我出去!
The mother let out her little boy after washing up.这位母亲洗完餐具后,就把她的小儿子放了出去。
The shepherd opened the gate and let out the sheep.牧羊人打开篱笆门把羊群放了出去。
let out2(及物,可分)泄露
She let out the truth that she had once been an actress.她透露了她曾当过演员的真相。
This is a secret.You musn't let it out.这是一个秘密,不许你泄露出去。
I'll never tell you another secret if you let this one out.你要是泄露了这个秘密,我再也不告诉你别的了。