
第33章 L(2)

let out3(及物,可分)放大(衣服等)

She let out her dress a little,for it was somewhat tight.(or:She let her dress out a little,for it was somewhat tight.)她因为衣服有点紧,把它放大了一点。

This overcoat doesn't suit me unless it is let out two inches.除非放大二英寸,这件大衣我穿着不合身。

let up1(不及物)渐停

I wonder if the rain will let up for us to go out.我不知道雨会不会慢慢停下来,我们好外出。

The storm let up in the afternoon.下午暴风雨渐渐停了。

The quarrel between the young couple let up at midnight.半夜小两口儿的争吵渐渐停了。

let up2(不及物)松劲,放松

Sit down and let up!坐下来放松一下!

If we let up now,we can't finish the job in time.我们如果现在松劲,就不能及时完成这项工作了。

I've had a busy day.I'm going to let up this evening.我今天忙了一天,晚上要放松一下了。

lie down under(及物,不可分)甘心忍受

Why should I lie down under taunts for no reason at all?我为什么要无缘无故地受人奚落?

Most people in the world are very unwilling to lie down under hegemonism.世界上大多数人很不甘心忍受霸权主义的压迫。

line up1(不及物)排列成行

About a hundred people lined up in front of the theater.约有100人在剧场前面排队。

Many people were lining up for a bus.许多人正在排队上公共汽车。

Some people lined up in a shopping center for fried chicken.有些人在一家购物中心排队买炸鸡。

line up2(及物,可分)使排列成行

The platoon leader lined up his men to march on to the drill ground.排长命令本排士兵排队向操场前进。

The aggressor troops dragged out a lot of villagers,lined them up by the pond,and killed them.侵略军拉出好多村民,让他们排在池塘边,然后把他们杀死。

listen in(不及物)听广播

I'm used to listening in at noon.我习惯于在中午收听广播。

He would sit for hours listening in.他总是坐好几个钟头收听广播。

listen in to [on]1(及物,不可分)听(广播)

Sometimes I listened in to the program of folk music at night.有时我在晚上收听民间音乐。

We listened in to the premier's press conference.我们从广播里收听了总理举行的记者招待会。

listen in to [on]2(及物,不可分)偷听

The woman has the habit of listening in to other people's conversations.那个女人有偷听别人谈话的习惯。

It is senseless to listen in to a next-door neighbour's quarrel.偷听隔壁邻居吵架很无聊。

live off [on]1(及物,不可分)靠…为生

The couple had to live off their income from the shop.两口子不得不靠开商店的收入维持生活。

He merely lives off his meagre old-age pension.他仅仅靠微薄的养老金过活。

He lives off doing business.他靠做生意过活。

live off [on]2(及物,不可分)以…为食

None can live off air.谁也不能以空气为食。

The invalid has long lived off milk and eggs.这位病人曾长期以牛奶、鸡蛋为食。

live on(不及物)继续活着

After her husband's death,she lived on ten years.她的丈夫死后,她又活了10年。

Having gone through misfortunes,he still lives on.他屡遭不幸,仍然活着。

The revolutionary martyrs live on forever!革命烈士永垂不朽!

live through(及物,不可分)经过…之后还活着

People can live through weeks without food.人不吃东西还可以活几个星期。

He has lived through two great earthquakes.他经历过两次大地震还健在。

The doctor said the cancer patient could live through the summer at most.医生说这位癌症病人顶多能活过这个夏天。

live up to1(及物,不可分)履行,实行,遵守

She tries to live up to her ideals.她努力实践自己的理想。

China lived up to the agreement.中国履行了这项协议。

Gord found out that many businessmen do live up to their agreements.戈德发现许多商人信守他们的协议。

live up to2(及物,不可分)达到(预期的标准),不辜负(别人对自己的期望)

He did not live up to the ardent expectations everyone once had of him.他辜负了大家曾经对他寄予的殷切期望。

The writer did not live up to his fame.这位作家有愧于他的名声。

lock up(及物,可分)把…锁藏好

Lock your costly and portable things up securely before going out.外出之前,把值钱而轻便的东西都锁藏好。

He locked up his paper money in a safe.他把钱票锁在保险箱里。

The documents were locked up.文件锁起来了。

long for(及物,不可分)渴望

My schoolmates long for meeting the famous writer.同学们都迫切希望与这位著名作家见面。

Children are longing for the Spring Festival.孩子们渴望着春节来临。

Anna longed for her husband to return home.安娜急切地盼望丈夫归来。

look after(及物,不可分)照管,照料

Do you mind looking after my paralytic mother while I go out shopping?在我出去购物期间请你照料一下我的瘫痪母亲好吗?

Look after your own affairs and don't interfere in mine.管你自己的事吧,别干涉我的事。

He's well able to look after himself.他很会照顾自己。

look at1(及物,不可分)看,盯住

Would you look at this paper,please?请你看这报纸好吗?

He looked at the stranger's face fixedly for a long time.他久久盯住陌生人的脸。

She looks at everything in an optimistic light.她看什么事都很乐观。

look at2(及物,不可分)检查

Would you kindly look at the watch?It's out of order.手表出了毛病,请你检查一下行吗?

Have you looked at the quality of milk recently?最近你检查过牛奶的质量吗?

Will you please look at the battery of my car?请你检查一下我车上的蓄电池好吗?

I looked at the merchandise before buying it.我买商品以前检查了一下。

look at3(及物,不可分)考虑

The section chief wouldn't even look at his proposal.对于他的建议,处长连考虑都不考虑一下。

He offered his hand to the girl,but she didn't look at it.他向那位姑娘求婚,但她不予考虑。

Do you think it necessary to look at what to do next?你认为需要考虑下一步怎么办吗?