
第49章 S(4)

snap at2(及物,不可分)大声责骂,对(人)说话无礼

I was surprised when be snapped at me.他对我叱喝,使我感到诧异。

Don't ask help of him.He'll only snap at you.别求他帮助,你只会得到粗鲁的答复。

snap up(及物,可分)不耐烦地打断…的话

Why did you snap up Franko when he was telling the facts?在弗兰科说明真相的时候你为什么要打断他的话?

I am sorry to have snapped you up;I have an urgent business to tell you.很抱歉打断了你的话,我有急事要告诉你。

She snapped me up with a question while l was telling the story.我在叙述事实经过时,她急忙提个问题,打断了我的话。

snow...in [up](及物,必分)大雪把…封住(用被动语态)

Some people have been snowed in for days there.那里有些人已被大雪困了几天。

The scientists at the observatory have been snowed in for two weeks.观测站的科学家们被雪困住已经两个星期了。

We were snowed in while climbing the mountain.我们登山时被大雪困住了。


He was snowed under by requests for advice.人们请求他出主意的事弄得他应付不过来。

The schoolgirl was snowed under with a big satchel.这小学女生背着大书包,压得她喘不过气来。

Teacher Wang was snowed under with too much work.王老师工作太多,疲于奔命。

soldier on(不及物)坚持不懈地干下去

The scientist soldiered on despite his illness.这位科学家带病继续努力工作。

The professor admitted failure in his researches into the cause of ageing,but he soldiered on.这位教授承认他对衰老原因的研究工作失败了,但他还是不屈不挠地干下去。

speak about [of](及物,不可分)谈论,提及

Bruce and Bruder were speaking about the football game.布鲁斯和布鲁德在谈论足球赛。

Smith spoke about what he had seen in the countryside.史密斯谈到他在乡间见到的情形。

Did anyone speak about the history course?有人提到历史课吗?

His late wife would never be spoken about to his face.他在场时谁也不会提到他已故的妻子。

speak for(及物,不可分)发言支持

Mr Mak spoke for lower taxes on food.马克先生发言支持食品低税。

At the meeting they spoke for birth control.他们在会上发言拥护节育。

speak out [up](不及物)直言不讳

On that occasion everyone was afraid to speak out.那时谁都不敢畅所欲言。

Abraham Lincoln spoke out against slavery.亚伯拉罕·林肯直言不讳地反对奴隶制。

speed up1(不及物)加快速度

They are getting closer to us.Can't you speed up?他们离我们越来越近了。你不能开快点吗?

The plane speeded up along the runway.飞机沿着跑道加速滑行。

The policemen hailed a taxi and ordered the driver to speed up in pursuit of an escaped criminal.警察叫了一辆出租汽车,叫司机加速追捕一名逃犯。

speed up2(及物,可分)使加快速度

The Minister of National Defence emphasizes the importance of speeding up the military deployment.国防部长强调加速军事部署的重要性。

The order came back to speed the pace of advance up.(从队首)向后传达命令:加快行军步伐。

The technological process needs to be speeded up.工艺流程需要加快。

spell out(及物,可分)详细解释

Spell out what this word means.请详细解释这个字的意思。

The lawyer spelled out the new law to us.律师向我们详细解释了新法律。

The engineer is spelling out how the machine works.工程师在说明机器的操作原理。

The teacher spelled the text out carefully.老师详细地讲解了课文。

spin out1(及物,可分)拖宕,延长

Jonas hadn't very much work to do,but he tried to spin it out till the office closed.乔纳斯没有很多工作要做,但他力图把它拖延到下班的时候。

Can't you spin out your visit for a few days longer?你不能把访问时间延长几天吗?

The bus line has been spun out to the seaside.这条公共汽车路线已经延长到海滨。

spin out2(及物,可分)使(钱等)尽量延长使用时间

He tried his best to economize in order to spin out his money.他尽量节约,为的是使手中的钱尽可能多用些日子。

We haven't much remainder of the money,so we shall have to spin it out till the end of the year.我们剩下的钱不多了,所以我们得勉强维持到年底。

stand by1(不及物)袖手旁观

Every man has a share of responsibility for the fate of his country.How can we stand by?国家兴亡,匹夫有责。我们怎能袖手旁观?

I can't stand by while my friend is being wronged.我的朋友受冤枉,我不能袖手旁观。

stand by2(及物,不可分)支持

Your intimate friends will always stand by you.你的知心朋友们将总是支持你。

Don't worry.I'll stand by you in need of help.别担心,你需要帮助的时候,我会支持你。

stand by3(及物,不可分)信守,忠于

Unless you stand by the rules of the society,you'll have to leave.你必须信守协会的规则,否则就得退出。

He stood by his motherland all his life.他一生始终忠于他的祖国。

stand for1(及物,不可分)代表,表示…的意思

USA stands for the United States of America.USA代表“美利坚合众国”。

In the problem,D stands for the diameter of the circle.在这道习题里,D代表“圆周的直径”。

What does “detente”stand for?“缓和”这个词是什么意思?

stand for2(及物,不可分)支持

I don't stand for either of the candidates.这两个候选人我谁也不支持。

We stand for the peoples throughout the world in their struggle against hegemonism.我们支持世界各国人民反对霸权主义的斗争。

stand for3(及物,不可分)主张

He stands for cold bath in the morning.他主张早上洗冷水澡。

I don't stand for early marrigae.我不主张早婚。

Most delegates stood for a political solution to the dispute.多数代表主张政治解决这一争端。

stand for4(及物,不可分)忍受(常用于否定句)

Be quiet!I can't stand for that noise any longer.安静点!我再也受不了那吵闹声了。

I just can't stand for his hypocrisy.我就是不能容忍他那种伪善。

She could not stand for being criticized for her shortcomings.别人批评她的缺点,她受不了。

stand in for(及物,不可分)代替(某人)

Penson will stand in for Horel as head of the club.彭森将代替霍雷尔担任俱乐部主任。

I'm standing in for Mike to attend the meeting today.今天我代替迈克出席会议。

Miss Katherine stood in for Miss Price in that play when the latter was ill.普赖斯小姐患病期间,凯瑟琳小姐在那出戏里替她演出。

stand over(及物,不可分)监督,监视

He will make mistakes unless someone stands over him.若要他不犯错误,除非有人监督他。

I destest being stood over while I am working.我讨厌在工作时有人监视我。

stand up for(及物,不可分)为…辩护

Are you going to stand up for the accused?你打算为被告辩护吗?

I'll surely help you provided you bravely stand up for yourself.只要你勇敢地为自己辩护,我一定会帮助你。

How can you stand up for killing someone like that?你那样杀人,还能作何辩解?

stand up to(及物,不可分)经受住

Few people can stand up to such hardships.没有几个人能吃得了这样的苦头。

He is a great national hero,who has stood up to all tests.他是伟大的民族英雄,经受了各种考验。

Good dress material stands up to washing again and again.好衣料经得起反复洗涤。

start off [out](不及物)出发

We started off early this morning.我们今晨一早就出发了。

They started off from that town at dawn.天亮时他们就从那个小城动身了。

The mobile medical team is starting off tonight.巡回医疗队今晚就要出发了。

start up(不及物)突然出现

A warship started up on the horizon.一艘军舰突然出现在地平线上。

A car started up on the hill.一辆汽车突然出现在山丘上。

Difficulties started up for lack of petroleum.由于缺乏石油,一下子产生了困难。

step aside(不及物)避开,让路

Please step aside,everybody.请大家让让路。

Your work will have to step aside for the present urgent task.你的工作得给当前的紧急任务让路。

Step aside!There's a bus coming.公共汽车来了,快闪开!

I stepped aside to let the old lady pass.我避到一边,让老太太过去。