step down(不及物)辞职
If John steps down,who will get the job?如果约翰辞职,谁会得到这份差事呢?
The general manager stepped down because of poor health.由于健康不好,总经理辞职了。
step up(及物,可分)加快
The two countries have agreed to step up their joint research and development programs.那两个国家同意加速他们的联合研究和发展计划。
That country is stepping up the development of nuclear industry.那个国家正在加快发展核工业。
The contingent stepped its advance up.这支分遣队加速前进。
stick at1(及物,不可分)继续努力做
Jackson sticks at his work all day long.杰克逊整天坚持不懈地工作。
The diligent scientist always sticks at his researches late into the night.这位勤奋的科学家经常坚持研究至深夜。
When he is absorbed in writing,he always sticks at it despite interference.他专心写作时,总是不顾干扰地坚持下去。
stick at2(及物,不可分)对…有顾忌
The lawless person didn't stick at smuggling.那个不法分子肆无忌惮地在搞走私活动。
A selfish man sticks at nothing to gain his private end.自私的人为了达到个人目的,什么事都干得出来。
stick out for(及物,不可分)坚持索要
He stuck out for obedience from the children.他迫使小孩就范。
The boy stuck out for my calculator.这男孩死乞白赖地要我的计算器。
The child stuck out for a toy car instead of a doll.这孩子坚持要一辆玩具汽车而不要洋娃娃。
stick to1(及物,不可分)坚守
We must stick to our fighting post.我们必须坚守战斗岗位。
She stuck to her post when everybody else had left.别人都离开后,她一人坚守岗位。
I believe that he will stick to his promise to the letter.我相信他会不折不扣地信守诺言。
stick to2(及物,不可分)坚持
He sticks to his purpose of obtaining an education.他坚持要达到受教育的目的。
People laughed at Columbus when he said earth was round.He stuck to his point of view and proved he was right.当哥伦布说地球是圆的时,人们都讥笑他。他坚持自己的观点并证明自己是对的。
He never sticks to anything very long.他干什么事从来没有恒心。
stick to3(及物,不可分)忠于
She will stick to her post in any case.在任何情况下她都会忠于职守。
The translation sticks to the original.这篇译文忠实于原文。
stick up for1(及物,不可分)捍卫
He raised his arm to stick up for his face from the blow.他举起手臂挡住面孔免遭拳击。
A division stuck up for the city against the invaders.一个师保卫着这个城市,抵抗入侵者。
stick up for2(及物,不可分)为…辩护
Tom has always stuck up for the lower-paid workers and that has won him a lot of grassroots support.汤姆总为收入低的工人说话,结果赢得了来自基层的支持。
Mell always stuck up for his old friends.梅尔总是为他的老朋友们进行辩护。
He successfully stuck up for his thesis and won his Ph.D.yesterday.他昨天成功地进行了学位论文答辩,获得博士学位。
stir up(及物,可分)激发,煽动
His speech stirred up the masses to action.他的讲话发动了群众。
The speaker's words stirred up the blood of the audience.这位演说家的话使听众情绪激昂。
A foreign radio tried to stir up the students to violence.一家外国电台企图煽动学生使用暴力。
The story stirred my imagination up.这故事使我浮想联翩。
He was stirred up by the stories of battle.他为战争故事所激励。
stock up with(及物,不可分)储积,贮藏
They are stocking up with beer and coca-cola for Christmas party.他们正在为圣诞节晚会储备啤酒和可口可乐。
Barbara stocked up with typing paper which was on sale at reduced prices.巴巴拉充分储存了市上减价出售的打字纸。
We've stocked up with our crops in the barn.我们已经把收割的庄稼贮藏在谷仓里。
The concern is well stocked up with textiles.这家商行备有大批纺织品。
stop by(不及物)(顺便)访问
He stopped by to have a chat with me.他顺便来串门子同我聊聊。
Did Sally and Roy stop by this morning?萨利和罗伊今天上午来串过门儿吗?
Stop by for tea whenever you are passing by.什么时候路过我家门口,顺便进来喝杯茶。
stop off [over](不及物)半路逗留
On his way home he stopped off at Cairo.他回国途中曾在开罗停留。
I stopped off and bought some vegetables while passing a country fair.我路过集市时中途停留去买了些蔬菜。
They will stop off for a day or two in San Francisco to visit your parents.他们将中途在旧金山停留一两天去看望你的父母。
straighten out1(及物,可分)整理,使…健全起来
They are straightening out the accounts.他们正在整理账目。
They have straightened out the scene of the accident.他们已整理事故现场。
We must straighten things out in every field of work.我们必须整顿好各方面的工作。
straighten out2(及物,可分)改正
The doctor advised the patient to straighten out the bad habit of smoking.医生劝这位病人改掉抽烟的不良习惯。
He promised to straighten himself out.他答应改正自己的错误。
straighten up1(及物,可分)收拾
My seven-year-old daughter has learned to straighten up her own room.我七岁的女儿已经学会整理自己的房间。
Now that the party is over,shall we straighten the parlour up?既然舞会已经结束,我们是否把客厅收拾干净?
straighten up2(及物,可分)改善,改进
The Government tried hard to straighten up the people's living conditions.政府力图改善人民生活。
We should straighten our work style up to suit the needs of reforms.我们应当改进工作作风以适应改革的需要。
strike up(及物,不可分)与人不期而遇开始(结交)
On a trip to Tibet by air I struck up an acquaintance with an English writer.在乘飞机前往西藏途中我结交了一位英国作家。
I don't know when they struck up a friendship.我不知道他们什么时候开始交上朋友的。