
第51章 S(6)


A gang of bandits stripped the shop of its precious goods.一伙盗匪抢走了那家商店里的贵重商品。

Two hoodlums stripped an old lady of her bag but were caught on the spot.两个歹徒抢走了一位老太太的手提包,但当场就被抓住了。

They knocked him down and stripped him of his gold watch.他们把他击倒并抢走了他的金表。

She was stripped of her necklace.她的项链被抢了。

stuff up(及物,可分)填塞,堵住

She stuffed up her ears with cotton before she started swimming.她在游泳前用棉花塞住耳朵。

The landlord stuffed the open fireplaces up when the central heating was installed.房东在安装暖气时把壁炉都堵死了。

stumble across [on,upon]1(及物,不可分)碰巧遇上

I stumbled across Miss Iris at the gymnasium.我在体育馆碰见艾丽斯小姐。

They stumbled across a traffic accident on their way back.他们在回去的路上意外遭遇车祸。

It was some years before that we stumbled across each other again.我们再次相遇是几年以前的事。

stumble across [on,upon]2(及物,不可分)无意中发现

I stumbled across an oil painting by a famous master.我无意中发现一幅名家的油画。

I've just stumbled across a beautiful poem in this book.我在这本书中偶然发现一首美妙的诗。

I stumbled across this old diary in my desk.我在我的办公桌抽屉里无意中发现了这本过去的日记。

One can stumble across some strange facts while reading.人们在看书报时可能偶然发现一些怪事。

subscribe to1(及物,不可分)订阅(报刊等)

Does your family subscribe to any magazines?你家订阅了什么杂志吗?

We'll subscribe to a magazine entitled "Newsweek",which comes out each Monday.我们将订阅每星期一出版的名叫《新闻周刊》的杂志。

I have subscribed to a lot of magazines.我已订阅好多种杂志。

Some foreign libraries have subscribed to "the Encyclopedia of China"scheduled to come off the press by the end of the year.有些外国图书馆已经预订了将于今年年底前出版的《中国大百科全书》。

subscribe to2(及物,不可分)同意

Do you subscribe to the view that the world population must become smaller?你赞同世界人口必须减少这种见解吗?

I'm afraid I shall never subscribe to corporal punishment in schools.恐怕我永远不会赞成在学校实行体罚。

On no point can I subscribe to your opinion completely.无论在哪一点上我都不能完全同意你的意见。

sum up1(及物,可分)概括,总结

Mr Winchell summed up the events of the past year.温切尔先生扼要说明了去年发生的大事。

It is difficult to sum up the tediously long speech in a few words.用三言两语来概括这冗长的讲演是困难的。

The chairman summed the discussion up.会议主席对讨论做了总结。

sum up2(及物,可分)立刻判断

We summed up his cunning at sight.我们一见就立即看出了他的狡诈。

They summed him up as a man of much learning soon.他们很快就看清了他是个博学之士。

swallow up(及物,可分)耗尽

The enemy has swallowed up all his strength.敌人已经耗尽他的全部力量。

The storm soon swallowed itself up.暴风雨不久就停息了。

swear by(及物,不可分)对…深信不疑

We felt that we could swear by his wide experience of the property market.我们觉得,我们可以相信他在房地产市场方面的丰富经验。

He swore by this Chinese physician and his herb preions.他信赖这位中医和他开的草药药方。

Some people say it's a specific drug for TB,I swear by it.有人说这是一种治肺结核的特效药,我相信它。

swear off(及物,不可分)发誓戒除

He has realized that smoking is harmful to health and determined to swear off it.他已认识到吸烟对健康有害并决定戒掉。

I'm suffering from stomach trouble.I've sworn off cold drinks on doctor's orders.我正患胃病。遵医嘱我已发誓不再喝冷饮。

swear to(及物,不可分)断言,坚决肯定(常与can [could]或will [would]连用)

The spokesman can't swear to this news to be reliable.发言人不能断言,这则消息是可靠的。

I seem to have seen that man somewhere before,but I couldn't swear to it.我好像在什么地方见过那个人,但我不能肯定。

The spokesman couldn't swear to the truth of the report.发言人不能确认这则报道的真实性。

sweep out(及物,可分)打扫(房间等),清除(弊端等)

He gets up early and sweeps out his bedroom every day.(or:He gets up early and sweeps his bedroom out every day.)他每天起床都很早,然后就打扫他的卧室。

They could not help sweeping out abuses with the besom of indignation.他们忍不住用义愤的扫把清除恶习。

The courtyard is in a filthy condition.When was it last swept out?院子脏得很,最近一次打扫是在什么时候?

switch off1(及物,可分)断绝(电力供应等)

I forgot to switch off the light when I left the room.我出房门时忘了关灯。

His mother told him to switch off the television and do his homework.他母亲叫他关电视去做作业。

Don't forget to switch all the lights off before you come up to bed.你上楼睡觉之前,别忘了把所有的灯都关上。

switch off2(不及物)把…当耳边风

We called him several times,but he switched off.叫了他好几声,他都没理睬。

He just switched off when I advised him to give up smoking.我劝他戒烟,他只当耳边风。

switch on(及物,可分)接通(电源等)

Think before you switch on the tap-do you really need water?你在打开水龙头之前,要想一想:你是否真正需要水?

I think we'll switch on the electric fire-it's a little chilly this evening.今晚有点冷,我想我们还是打开电炉吧。

Switch the light on,please.请开灯。

switch over to(及物,不可分)转向

The physician switched over to writing in mid career.这位内科医生中途改行从事写作了。

They have switched over to a new tactic.他们已改换了新策略。

The politician switched over to another political party.这个政客转向了另一个政党。