
第52章 T(1)

tail off [away](不及物)减少,变弱,变小

The cultural exchanges between the two countries tailed off by the late seventies.两国之间的文化交流到70年代后期减少了。

Her answer tailed off.她回答时声音越来越小。

The output of cotton tailed off this year.今年的棉花产量减少了。

His health tailed off because of his illness.由于有病,他身体日渐虚弱。

take after(及物,不可分)在相貌、举止方面像(年长的亲属)

I can make out at first glance that he takes after his elder brother.我一眼就能看出,他长得像他哥哥。

Helen takes somewhat after her aunt.海伦长得有点像她姑姑。

take...back to...(及物,必分)使回忆起

Meeting you again took me back to our school days when we often played basketball together.与你重逢使我回想起咱们的学生时代,那时咱们常常在一起打篮球。

The incident took me back to what happened at Munich prior to World War II.这次事件使我回忆起第二次世界大战前在慕尼黑发生的事。

This hotel took me back to the one we stayed at last year.这家旅馆使我想起去年我们住的那一家。


I take him for my brother.我把他当做我的兄弟。

we take our support to you for our obligation.我们把对你们的支持当做我们的义务。

I take you for a promising young man.我认为你是个有前途的青年。

He is generally taken for the greatest poet of his time.一般认为他是当时最伟大的诗人。


People are always taking him for his twin brother.人们总是把他错看成他的孪生兄弟。

I took the house for a hotel.我把这所房子错看成旅馆。

Even certain archaeologists took it for a genuine antique.连某些考古学家都把它误认为真古董。

take in1(及物,可分)接待,收养

The inn often took in pedlars.这个客栈经常接待小贩。

The hotel now takes in foreign tourists.这家旅馆现在接待外国旅游者。

The poor girl looked forlorn,so I had to take her in.这可怜的女孩好像是被遗弃的,我得收养她。

take in2(及物,可分)包含

The tour of Beijing takes in a visit to the Summer Palace.游历北京包括游览颐和园。

His travel took in four African countries.他这次旅行包括四个非洲国家。

Seven were killed,taking a policeman in.连一名警察在内共被杀死七个人。

take in3(及物,可分)理解

I can't take in classical literature.我不懂古典文学。

I can't take him in when he flies into a rage like this.他这样大发雷霆,令我费解。

Every word the foreigner said couldn't be taken in.这外国人讲的话全听不懂。

take off(及物,可分)(逗笑地)学…的样

The boy made all his friends laugh by taking off the teacher's slow and solemn way of talking.这男孩模仿老师缓慢而严肃的说话方式,把他的朋友们都逗笑了。

The boy took off his father's voice.这男孩模仿他父亲的声音讲话。

The girl took her mother off to perfection.这女孩学她妈妈的样子真是惟妙惟肖。

take on1(及物,可分)雇用,聘用

We take on her as an adviser.我们聘请她当顾问。

He took on a gardener recently.他最近雇了一个园丁。

The owner of the hotel took on another three blacks.这家旅馆的老板又雇了三名黑人。

I proposed myself for a financial manager,but the boss didn't take me on.我毛遂自荐为财务经理,可是老板没有雇用我。

Millions upon millions of young women are taken on in various industries.千百万青年妇女被雇在各行各业工作。

take on2(及物,可分)担当(工作、任务等)

The doctor warned him against taking on extra responsibilities.医生告诫他不要承担额外任务。

I deem it my duty to take on the job.我认为把这个任务担起来是我的责任。

The task is so difficult that I couldn't take it on.这个任务很难,我承担不了。

take on3(及物,可分)把…视为对手

Chicago will take on New York in another game of basket ball.芝加哥队将同纽约队再赛一场篮球。

The old man took on a boy at a chess game.这位老人同一个男孩下一盘象棋较量。

"Are you willing to play chess with me?""Yes,I'll take you on."“你愿意同我下象棋吗?”“我愿同你较量。”


Did James ever take Nina out?詹姆斯曾带尼娜出去吗?

The little girl took her parents out to France.这小女孩跟她父母去法国了。

Who is Tom taking out this afternoon?汤姆今天下午准备跟谁出去?

Take the old lady out for a walk;she needs moving about.陪这老太太出去溜达溜达,她需要活动。

take...out on...(及物,必分)拿(别人)撒气

He felt very unhappy for being wronged on duty and came off work taking it out on his wife.他上班时因为受了委屈感到很不高兴,下班后拿妻子撒气。

The old man took his ill temper out on his son.这个老头儿向儿子发脾气。

We took our indignation out on corrupt officials in loud cries.我们大声喊叫,向贪官污吏发泄心中的义愤。

He took his anger out on the usurer by tearing up the letter that had demanded payment of his debt.他把讨债信撕毁,发泄对高利贷者的愤怒。

take over(不及物)接任,接替

The vice-president took over after the president had been assassinated.总统被暗杀后,已由副总统接任。

Who will take over while you are away?你不在时,将由谁接替?

He told his assistant to take over for him.他叫他的助手接替他。

take over2(及物,可分)接管

When John was away,Joyce took over the management of the business.约翰不在时,乔伊斯接管了生意。

Because my boss has long been ill,his son will take over the corporation.因为我的老板长期生病,他的儿子将接管这家公司。

Mr Page was appointed to take the enterprise over.佩奇先生被指派来接管这家企业。

take to1(及物,不可分)喜欢上

I shall never take to a double-dealer at any rate.无论如何我永远不会喜欢两面三刀的人。

Michel and Jopson took to one another at first sight.米歇尔和乔普森初次见面就互相喜欢上了。

I don't take to tomatoes.我不爱吃西红柿。

She has been taking to variety entertainment from her childhood.她从小就喜欢杂耍。

take to2(及物,不可分)沉溺于

In despair he took to drinking.在绝望中他沉溺于借酒消愁。

She has taken to superstition in her old age.她在晚年已陷入迷信,不能自拔。

The coxcomb took to leading a life of debauchery all day long because his mother had indulged him.由于母亲溺爱,这个纨绔子弟成天沉湎花天酒地的生活。

take to3(及物,不可分)开始从事

She took to writing at the age of 15.她15岁开始写作。

They have taken to the nation's modernization program.他们已开始搞国家的现代化计划。

I take to saving money now.我现在开始存钱。

Shortly after he retired,he took to writing his reminiscences.他退休后不久就开始写回忆录。

take up(及物,可分)费(时间),占(空间)

The business meeting took up twenty minutes.业务会议占了20分钟。

I won't let this matter take up any more of your time.我不愿让这件事花你更多的时间。

That bookcase takes a lot of room up.那个书柜占了一大块地方。

take up with(及物,不可分)与…要好

Henry likes to take up with strange people.亨利喜欢跟陌生人交往。

I've gained a lot by taking up with him.我和他交往,得益不少。

The two of them have taken up with each other from childhood.他俩从小就很要好。

He took up with me when I was young.我年轻时他跟我是好朋友。

talk about [of](及物,不可分)谈论,议论

Some people talk about things,some talk about wages and the wisest talk about ideas.有些人谈情况,有些人谈薪水,而最明智的人则谈思想。

We'll talk about some pictures.我们要谈论几幅画。

We were talking about the matter before you came in.你进来之前我们正在议论这件事。

Can you talk about how you lived and worked on the army farm?你能谈谈你在部队农场生活和劳动的情况吗?

talk back to(及物,不可分)跟(尊长)顶嘴

She openly talked back to her father.她公然跟她父亲顶嘴。

Be careful not to talk back to him;he wouldn't like it.当心别跟他顶嘴,他不喜欢那样。

Don't talk back to your grandmother;it's not polite.不要跟你的祖母顶嘴,那是不礼貌的。

When your mother scolds you,you shoudn't talk back to her.母亲责备你时,你不该和她顶嘴。