wash up2(及物,可分)(饭后)洗(餐具)
Jenny washed up the plates and spoons after finishing baking bread.詹妮烤完面包后把碟子、汤匙洗了。
She is washing the plates and dinner forks up.她正在洗盘子和餐叉。
wash up3(不及物)盥洗
The schoolboy got up late.He hurriedly washed up and went to school.这个学童起床晚了,急急忙忙洗完脸就上学去了。
After washing up in the early morning,he went out for some fresh air in the park.清晨他盥洗完毕就去户外公园里吸点新鲜空气。
watch for1(及物,不可分)等待
She watched for the right moment to make her request.她等待恰当的时机提出自己的请求。
Parry has been watching for a chance to visit China.帕里一直在等待机会访问中国。
I watched patiently for her reply.我耐心地等候她的回答。
watch for2(及物,不可分)寻找
The two boys were watching for a lost cat.两个男孩正在寻找一只丢失的猫。
What are you watching for?Have you lost anything?你在寻找什么?你丢了什么东西吗?
He watched for his friend in the crowd.他在人群中寻找他的朋友。
Shultz spent three days watching for a job.舒尔茨花了三天去找工作。
watch out(不及物)当心
If you drive today,watch out.The streets are wet and slippery.如果你今天开车,小心点!街上又湿又滑。
Watch out!There is a crossroads ahead.当心!前面是一个十字路口。
Watch out!That ladder is not safe.小心!那梯子不稳。
Watch out!The dish is hot!小心,盘子烫手!
watch out for1(及物,不可分)提防
A hypertension sufferer should watch out for a paralytic stroke.高血压病人应提防中风。
The doctor advised me to watch out for the danger of overwork.医生劝我要警惕过度劳累的危险。
Watch out for pickpockets!谨防扒手!
You must watch out for snags.你们必须提防意外困难。
watch out for2(及物,不可分)密切注视
Watch out for the stealthy short fat woman who gazes at a lady's wallet.密切注视那个鬼鬼祟祟的矮个子胖女人,她盯着一位女士的钱包。
A group of students are closely watching out for symptoms of an earthquake.一群学生监视着地震的征兆。
Every time the unit set up camp,I was sent out to watch out for the outskirts of the village.每次部队扎营时,我总是被派到村外警戒。
watch over(及物,不可分)看守,照管
The nurse is watching over the children at play.阿姨看守着孩子们玩耍。
His job is to watch over the diesel engine.他的工作是看管柴油机。
She stayed home to watch over the baby.她留在家里照料婴儿。
During their mother's illness the children were watched over by a neighbour.母亲生病期间,孩子们由一位邻居照顾。
wave aside(及物,可分)把…放在一边
Let's wave aside questions of minor importance.咱们把次要问题撇开不谈了吧。
He waved our arguments aside as if they were of no importance.他对我们的论据置之不理,好像它们并不重要似的。
wear down(及物,可分)击败,使衰弱
A long illness wore him down.他久病之后身体衰弱。
We wore down the enemy with daily bombing.我们天天轰炸敌军,挫败了他们。
She has been worn down by continual worries.连续不断的烦恼事把她的身体拖垮了。
wear off(不及物)渐渐消失
The rumble of the train is wearing off.火车的隆隆声渐渐消失。
Does the colour wear off fast?这种颜色退得快吗?
The paint applied to the door is wearing off.涂在门上的漆正在逐渐脱落。
These beautiful birds wore off.这些漂亮的鸟越来越少了。
wear on(不及物)(时间)慢慢流逝,(工作等)拖拉
The prisoner felt that days wore on like years.这囚犯感到度日如年。
When will the discussion finish if it wears on like this?讨论这样慢吞吞地进行,何时能结束?
This work has been wearing on far too long.这件工作拖得太久了。
wear out [through]1(及物,可分)穿坏,用旧
Children wear out their shoes very quickly.孩子们的鞋破得很快。
He wore out his socks in a few days.他几天就穿破一双袜子。
He has worn his bicycle out and feels ashamed to ride it to work.他的自行车已骑得破旧了,他觉得不好意思骑去上班。
These shoes are worn out.They have big holes in them.这些鞋穿坏了。鞋帮有一些大洞。
wear out [through]2(不及物)被穿坏,被用旧
Cheap clothes wear out quickly.便宜的衣服破得快。
The tractor has worn out;it's under repair.这辆拖拉机已经破旧,正在修理。
wear out3(不及物)筋疲力尽
After a long talk with him I wore out.同他长谈之后我疲乏极了。
Joffe has worn out and should go to bed early.乔菲累坏了,得早些上床休息。
Looking after so many children wears me out.照顾这么多孩子把我弄得筋疲力尽。
A long walk wore Jones out.长途步行把琼斯累坏了。
They were worn out with hard work.由于繁重的工作,他们都疲惫不堪。
The girls were worn out with transplanting rice seedlings.姑娘们插秧累得筋疲力尽。
weave in and out(不及物)(在车辆中)穿进穿出
Foxe got up late this morning.His car weaved in and out between the vehicles.福克斯今天早晨起床晚了。他开车在车辆中穿来穿去。
He went to work on a bike,weaving in and out among the cars.他骑自行车上班,一路上赶超汽车穿梭式地前进。
weigh up(及物,可分)评估
This draft plan looks good,but it will take me some time to weigh up its feasibility.这个计划草案看起来不错,不过我需要花些时间来评估其可行性。
The committee weighed the population up.委员会对人口做了估计。
wind up(及物,可分)结束
I'll thank you present at the meeting while winding up my speech.在结束我的讲话之际我要感谢在座各位。
They wanted to wind up the talks by Christmas.他们想在圣诞节前结束会谈。
He wound his letter up with good wishes to the family.他在信末祝福全家人。
win...over [round](及物,必分)说服(某人)改变态度
The lobbyist won a few senators over to his views.这个说客说服了几位参议员支持他的主张。
We won him over to playing football with us.我们争取到他和我们一起踢足球。
Maria's father didn't like Jack at the outset,but the boy's deep love for his daughter won him over.玛丽亚的父亲起初不喜欢杰克,但这男孩对他女儿的深情使他改变了态度。
wipe off1(及物,可分)(从…)擦掉
Here is a brush for you to wipe off the mud before you come into the house.这儿有把刷子供你进屋之前把泥刷掉。
She smoothed her face with her hands,as if wiping off the marks of trouble.她用双手抹脸,似乎是在抹去苦恼留下的痕迹。
I need a handkerchief to wipe the sand off.我需要一块手绢来擦掉沙子。
Jackman wiped some oil off his bicycle.杰克曼把他自行车上的一些油擦掉了。
wipe off2(及物,可分)还清(债务)
It took five years for the couple to wipe all the debts off.夫妇二人花了五年才把债还清。
I earnestly wish to wipe off the debt I owed him at once.我巴不得立刻还清我欠他的债。
wipe out1(及物,可分)擦净…的内部
Every time I had a good cleanup,I was sure to wipe out the drawers in my writing desk.每次搞大扫除,我必然要把我的写字台抽屉里面擦干净。
It's a long time since I wiped the teapot out.我很久没有擦洗茶壶里边了。
Every bowl was wiped out before the cook ladled food into it.厨师把每个碗都擦干净了,然后再把菜舀进去。