
第61章 W(3)

wipe out2(及物,可分)彻底毁掉

The unexpected resistance wiped out the invader's plan.出乎意料的抵抗粉碎了入侵者的计划。

Our army wiped the enemy's strongholds out.我们的部队摧毁了敌军的据点。

The whole village was wiped out by the floods.这个村子都被洪水摧毁了。

The Minister of National Defence proclaimed that the invading army had been wiped out.国防部长宣布,入侵部队已被歼灭。

work in(及物,可分)加上

I worked in eggs on the list of things to buy.我把蛋包括在购物单内。

Don't forget to work in that I'm prepared to be helpful.别忘了加一句话,就说我也准备帮上一把。

May I work a few words in on this matter?我可以就这个问题插几句话吗?

work on1(及物,不可分)修理,修补

He likes to work on his television by himself when it is out of order.他的电视机出了故障时,他喜欢自己修。

I'll have my shoes worked on.我将请人补我的鞋。

This shirt is too old to be worked on.这件衬衫太旧,不能修补。

work on [upon]2(及物,不可分)致力(某项工作)

I don't know how to settle the problem.I am working on it.我不知道如何解决这个问题,我正致力此事。

The professor worked on a new project of the Ministry of Health.这位教授致力研究卫生部的一项新计划。

He worked on the cause of education all his life.他把一生献给了教育事业。

work out1(不及物)锻炼,训练

Many people work out regularly in the park.许多人经常在公园里锻炼。

The gymnast worked out regularly today.这位体操运动员今天进行了例行训练。

The women basketball players are working out for a match scheduled for Sunday.女子篮球运动员们正在训练,准备参加订于星期日举行的比赛。

work out2(不及物)计算出

The sum can work out in his head.他能心算出总数。

This formula works out well.这个公式计算起来很管用。

work out3(及物,可分)制订

The Government have worked out a system for cracking down on smuggling.政府已制订一项打击走私的制度。

They worked out bold plans for higher production.他们制订了提高生产的大胆方案。

Some experts worked a draff plan out.一些专家拟订了一份计划草案。


I have my difficulties;but I can work them out gradually.我有我的难处,但我能逐步加以解决。

This problem is not easy.I can't work it out.这个问题较难,我解决不了。

The dialogue is expected to work the dispute out.预料这次对话可以解决争端。

work over(及物,可分)痛打

People worked over the pickpocket who had practised theft on a bus.人们狠揍那个在公共汽车上行窃的扒手。

The boys robbed the old man and worked him over.那些男孩抢了那个老人而且把他打成重伤。

A couple of hoodlums were held in custody for working a taxi-driver over.两个歹徒因为殴打一位出租汽车司机被拘留。

work up1(及物,可分)逐渐发展(业务等)

Clark worked up his shop into a big business.克拉克把他的小店逐步扩展成了一个大企业。

He has worked up the school run by the local people to a larger size.他已把这所民办学校逐渐扩大到较大规模。

He worked the vocational school up to a province-renowned advanced unit.他把这所职业学校逐步办成了全省闻名的先进单位。

work up2(及物,可分)使激动

The comedian's speech worked up the audience into laughter.这位喜剧演员的讲话惹得观众哄堂大笑。

The politician worked the crowd up until they shouted together.那个政客激发了群众的情绪,使得他们一起大喊大叫。

Witnessing the scene of the football match,he was very worked up.目睹足球比赛的场面,他非常激动。

worm out of(及物,可分)从(某人口中)探问(秘密)

The girl failed to worm the secret out of her mother.这女孩未能从母亲嘴里把秘密探问出来。

Sometimes he wormed out of a eunuch the details of the emperor's private life.他有时从一个太监那里探听到皇帝的私生活细节。

An important secret was wormed out of the drunkard.从这个醉汉口中套出了一项重要秘密。

wrap up1(不及物)穿得暖和

I fear the cold;I always wrap up warm even in late autumn.我怕冷,即使在深秋,我也总是穿得暖暖和和的。

It's snowing,so you'd better wrap up well.正在下雪,你最好穿暖和些。

wrap up2(不及物)住嘴

Wrap up!You're just talking nonsense.住口!你这是在胡说。

Wrap up!I'm trying to think.闭嘴!我要想想看。

write back(不及物)回信

I'll write back when I'm through with it.事情办妥了,我给你个回信儿。

I wrote him two letters,but he hasn't written back yet.我给他写了两封信,但他至今没回信。

Every time he received his girlfriend's letter,he wrote back right away.每次他接到女朋友的信,都立刻回信。

write down(及物,可分)把(话等)记下来

We can't write down every word a speaker says.我们不能把讲演人说的每句话都记下来。

I forgot to write down his address.我忘了把他的地址记下来。

I wrote down my sincere wishes in your notebook.我把我诚挚的祝愿写在你的笔记本上了。

Have you written the incident down in detail?你详细地记下了事件经过吗?

write off1(及物,可分)取消

She gave him back his engagement ring and wrote off the wedding.她把订婚戒指还给他,取消了婚礼。

She wrote off her trip to London as she felt ill.她感到不舒服,取消了伦敦之行。

I don't see any fun in going on a picnic in weather like this.Let's write it off.我看不出这种天气出去野餐有什么乐趣,干脆取消算了。

The concert has been written off.音乐会已经取消。

write off2(及物,可分)注销(债务)

The Government has decided to write off a long-term loan to that country.政府已决定注销给那个国家的一笔长期贷款。

Hood can't pay off the money he owed me,so I am obliged to write the debt off.胡德没法还清欠我的钱,所以我只好注销这笔债。

Jewson was too poor to pay his debt;the creditor promised that it would be written off.朱森太穷,无力还债,债主答应注销这笔欠款。

write off [away]for(及物,不可分)写信购买

I heard that his novel had come off the press,and wrote off (to the publisher)for a copy.我听说他的长篇小说已经出版,便立即(给出版社)写信购买一本。

I want to buy a Spanish dictionary,but I can't get it near home;I'll have to write off for it.我想买一本西班牙语词典,但我家附近没有卖的,我只好写信去买。

write out(及物,不可分)写出来,缮写

Please write out the name of this company instead of using an abbreviation.请把这家公司的名称写全而不要用简称。

Write out the summing-up report conscientiously and never be perfunctory.认真写好总结报告,不要敷衍了事。

Please write out a fair copy of the draft with a neat writing.请照底稿誊清一份,字迹要工整。


The Writer wrote a lot of fine novels in his youth,but now he has written himself out.这位作家在青年时期写了许多优秀小说,可而今他已“江郎才尽”。

He is only forty,but he has written himself out.他才40岁,但他已才思枯竭。

write up1(及物,可分)详细报道[描写]

He wrote up the plane crash for his radio station.他为他的电台详细报道了这次空难。

Lots of reporters wrote up the discovery of rich gold deposits.许多记者详细报道了发现丰富的金矿的事。

The national model workers'representative assembly has been over;a reportage writer intends to write it up.全国劳模代表大会已经结束,一位报告文学作家打算报道其全过程。

write up2(及物,可分)写文章赞扬

He wrote up an actress in the papers.他在报纸上写报道为一位女演员捧场。

A literary or art critic wrote the film up in the current issue of "Popular Films".一位文艺评论家在最近一期的《大众电影》上写文章赞扬那部影片。