What had been simple force in the youth's face was energized judgment in the man's.His character was gradually writing itself out in his countenance.That he was watching his own career with deeper and deeper interest,that he continually 'heard his days before him,'and cared to hear little else,might have been hazarded from what was seen there.His ambitions were,in truth,passionate,yet controlled;so that the germs of many more plans than ever blossomed to maturity had place in him;and forward visions were kept purposely in twilight,to avoid distraction.
Events so far had been encouraging.Shortly after assuming the mastership of his first school he had obtained an introduction to the Bishop of a diocese far from his native county,who had looked upon him as a promising young man and taken him in hand.He was now in the second year of his residence at the theological college of the cathedral-town,and would soon be presented for ordination.
He entered the town,turned into a back street,and then into a yard,keeping his book before him till he set foot under the arch of the latter place.Round the arch was written 'National School,'and the stonework of the jambs was worn away as nothing but boys and the waves of ocean will wear it.He was soon amid the sing-song accents of the scholars.
His brother Cornelius,who was the schoolmaster here,laid down the pointer with which he was directing attention to the Capes of Europe,and came forward.
'That's his brother Jos!'whispered one of the sixth standard boys.
'He's going to be a pa'son,he's now at college.'
'Corney is going to be one too,when he's saved enough money,'said another.
After greeting his brother,whom he had not seen for several months,the junior began to explain his system of teaching geography.
But Halborough the elder took no interest in the subject.'How about your own studies?'he asked.'Did you get the books I sent?'
Cornelius had received them,and he related what he was doing.
'Mind you work in the morning.What time do you get up?'
The younger replied:'Half-past five.'
'Half-past four is not a minute too soon this time of the year.
There is no time like the morning for construing.I don't know why,but when I feel even too dreary to read a novel I can translate--there is something mechanical about it I suppose.Now,Cornelius,you are rather behindhand,and have some heavy reading before you if you mean to get out of this next Christmas.'
'I am afraid I have.'
'We must soon sound the Bishop.I am sure you will get a title without difficulty when he has heard all.The sub-dean,the principal of my college,says that the best plan will be for you to come there when his lordship is present at an examination,and he'll get you a personal interview with him.Mind you make a good impression upon him.I found in my case that that was everything and doctrine almost nothing.You'll do for a deacon,Corney,if not for a priest.'
The younger remained thoughtful.'Have you heard from Rosa lately?'
he asked;'I had a letter this morning.'
'Yes.The little minx writes rather too often.She is homesick--though Brussels must be an attractive place enough.But she must make the most of her time over there.I thought a year would be enough for her,after that high-class school at Sandbourne,but Ihave decided to give her two,and make a good job of it,expensive as the establishment is.'
Their two rather harsh faces had softened directly they began to speak of their sister,whom they loved more ambitiously than they loved themselves.
'But where is the money to come from,Joshua?'
'I have already got it.'He looked round,and finding that some boys were near withdrew a few steps.'I have borrowed it at five per cent.from the farmer who used to occupy the farm next our field.
You remember him.'
'But about paying him?'
'I shall pay him by degrees out of my stipend.No,Cornelius,it was no use to do the thing by halves.She promises to be a most attractive,not to say beautiful,girl.I have seen that for years;and if her face is not her fortune,her face and her brains together will be,if I observe and contrive aright.That she should be,every inch of her,an accomplished and refined woman,was indispensable for the fulfilment of her destiny,and for moving onwards and upwards with us;and she'll do it,you will see.I'd half starve myself rather than take her away from that school now.'
They looked round the school they were in.To Cornelius it was natural and familiar enough,but to Joshua,with his limited human sympathies,who had just dropped in from a superior sort of place,the sight jarred unpleasantly,as being that of something he had left behind.'I shall be glad when you are out of this,'he said,'and in your pulpit,and well through your first sermon.'
'You may as well say inducted into my fat living,while you are about it.'
'Ah,well--don't think lightly of the Church.There's a fine work for any man of energy in the Church,as you'll find,'he said fervidly.'Torrents of infidelity to be stemmed,new views of old subjects to be expounded,truths in spirit to be substituted for truths in the letter ...'He lapsed into reverie with the vision of his career,persuading himself that it was ardour for Christianity which spurred him on,and not pride of place.He had shouldered a body of doctrine,and was prepared to defend it tooth and nail,solely for the honour and glory that warriors win.
'If the Church is elastic,and stretches to the shape of the time,she'll last,I suppose,'said Cornelius.'If not--.Only think,Ibought a copy of Paley's Evidences,best edition,broad margins,excellent preservation,at a bookstall the other day for--ninepence;and I thought that at this rate Christianity must be in rather a bad way.'