书城公版Life's Little Ironies and a Few Crusted Charac


'No,no!'said the other almost,angrily.'It only shows that such defences are no longer necessary.Men's eyes can see the truth without extraneous assistance.Besides,we are in for Christianity,and must stick to her whether or no.I am just now going right through Pusey's Library of the Fathers.'

'You'll be a bishop,Joshua,before you have done!'

'Ah!'said the other bitterly,shaking his head.'Perhaps I might have been--I might have been!But where is my D.D.or LL.D.;and how be a bishop without that kind of appendage?Archbishop Tillotson was the son of a Sowerby clothier,but he was sent to Clare College.To hail Oxford or Cambridge as alma mater is not for me--for us!My God!when I think of what we should have been--what fair promise has been blighted by that cursed,worthless--'

'Hush,hush!...But I feel it,too,as much as you.I have seen it more forcibly lately.You would have obtained your degree long before this time--possibly fellowship--and I should have been on my way to mine.'

'Don't talk of it,'said the other.'We must do the best we can.'

They looked out of the window sadly,through the dusty panes,so high up that only the sky was visible.By degrees the haunting trouble loomed again,and Cornelius broke the silence with a whisper:'He has called on me!'

The living pulses died on Joshua's face,which grew arid as a clinker.'When was that?'he asked quickly.

'Last week.'

'How did he get here--so many miles?'

'Came by railway.He came to ask for money.'


'He says he will call on you.'

Joshua replied resignedly.The theme of their conversation spoilt his buoyancy for that afternoon.He returned in the evening,Cornelius accompanying him to the station;but he did not read in the train which took him back to the Fountall Theological College,as he had done on the way out.That ineradicable trouble still remained as a squalid spot in the expanse of his life.He sat with the other students in the cathedral choir next day;and the recollection of the trouble obscured the purple splendour thrown by the panes upon the floor.

It was afternoon.All was as still in the Close as a cathedral-green can be between the Sunday services,and the incessant cawing of the rooks was the only sound.Joshua Halborough had finished his ascetic lunch,and had gone into the library,where he stood for a few moments looking out of the large window facing the green.He saw walking slowly across it a man in a fustian coat and a battered white hat with a much-ruffled nap,having upon his arm a tall gipsy-woman wearing long brass earrings.The man was staring quizzically at the west front of the cathedral,and Halborough recognized in him the form and features of his father.Who the woman was he knew not.

Almost as soon as Joshua became conscious of these things,the sub-dean,who was also the principal of the college,and of whom the young man stood in more awe than of the Bishop himself,emerged from the gate and entered a path across the Close.The pair met the dignitary,and to Joshua's horror his father turned and addressed the sub-dean.

What passed between them he could not tell.But as he stood in a cold sweat he saw his father place his hand familiarly on the sub-dean's shoulder;the shrinking response of the latter,and his quick withdrawal,told his feeling.The woman seemed to say nothing,but when the sub-dean had passed by they came on towards the college gate.

Halborough flew along the corridor and out at a side door,so as to intercept them before they could reach the front entrance,for which they were making.He caught them behind a clump of laurel.

'By Jerry,here's the very chap!Well,you're a fine fellow,Jos,never to send your father as much as a twist o'baccy on such an occasion,and to leave him to travel all these miles to find ye out!'

'First,who is this?'said Joshua Halborough with pale dignity,waving his hand towards the buxom woman with the great earrings.

'Dammy,the mis'ess!Your step-mother!Didn't you know I'd married?

She helped me home from market one night,and we came to terms,and struck the bargain.Didn't we,Selinar?'

'Oi,by the great Lord an'we did!'simpered the lady.

'Well,what sort of a place is this you are living in?'asked the millwright.'A kind of house-of-correction,apparently?'

Joshua listened abstractedly,his features set to resignation.Sick at heart he was going to ask them if they were in want of any necessary,any meal,when his father cut him short by saying,'Why,we've called to ask ye to come round and take pot-luck with us at the Cock-and-Bottle,where we've put up for the day,on our way to see mis'ess's friends at Binegar Fair,where they'll be lying under canvas for a night or two.As for the victuals at the Cock I can't testify to 'em at all;but for the drink,they've the rarest drop of Old Tom that I've tasted for many a year.'

'Thanks;but I am a teetotaller;and I have lunched,'said Joshua,who could fully believe his father's testimony to the gin,from the odour of his breath.'You see we have to observe regular habits here;and I couldn't be seen at the Cock-and-Bottle just now.'

'O dammy,then don't come,your reverence.Perhaps you won't mind standing treat for those who can be seen there?'

'Not a penny,'said the younger firmly.'You've had enough already.'

'Thank you for nothing.By the bye,who was that spindle-legged,shoe-buckled parson feller we met by now?He seemed to think we should poison him!'

Joshua remarked coldly that it was the principal of his college,guardedly inquiring,'Did you tell him whom you were come to see?'

His father did not reply.He and his strapping gipsy wife--if she were his wife--stayed no longer,and disappeared in the direction of the High Street.Joshua Halborough went back to the library.