
第11章 爱者之贻(5)



When our farewell moment came, like a low-hanging rain-cloud, I had only time to tie a red ribbon on your wrist, while my hands trembled. To-day I sit alone on the grass in the season of mahua flowers, with one quivering question in my mind, "Do you still keep the little red ribbon tied on your wrist?

You went by the narrow road that skirted the blossoming feld of fax. I saw that my garland of overnight was still hanging loose from your hair.But why did you not wait till I could gather, in the morning, new fowers for my fnal gift?I wonder if unawares it dropped on your way, the garland hanging loose from your hair.

Many a song I had sung to you, morning and evening, and the last one you carried in your voice when you went away. You never tarried to hear the one song unsung I had for you alone and for ever.I wonder if, at last, you are tired of my song that you hummed to yourself while walking through the feld.




Last night clouds were threatening, and amlak branches struggled in the grips of the gusty wind. I hoped, if dreams came to me, they would come in the shape of my beloved, in the lonely night loud with rain.

The winds still moan through the felds, and the tear-stained cheeks of dawn are pale. My dreams have been in vain, for truth is hard, and dreams, too, have their own ways.

Last night when the darkness was drunken with storm, and the rain, like night's veil, was torn by the winds into shreds, would it make truth jealous if untruth came to me in the shape of my beloved, in the starless night loud with rain?





The current in which I drifted ran rapid and strong when I was young. The spring breeze was spendthrift of itself, the trees were on fre with fowers; and the birds never slept from singing.

I sailed with giddy speed, carried away by the food of passion; I had no time to see and feel and take the world into my being.

Now that youth has ebbed and I am stranded on the bank, I can hear the deep music of all things, and the sky opens to me its heart of stars.




A message came from my youth of vanished days, saying, "I wait for you among the quivering of unborn May, where smiles ripen for tears and hours ache with songs unsung."

It says, "Come to me across the worn-out track of age, through the gates of death. For dreams fade, hopes fail, the gathered fruits of the year decay, but I am the eternal truth, and you shall meet me again and again in your voyage of life from shore to shore."







The girls are out to fetch water from the river their laughter comes through the trees, I long to join them in the lane, where goats graze in the shade, and squirrels fit from sun to shadow, across the fallen leaves.

But my day's task is already done, my jars are filled. I stand at my door to watch the glistening green of the areca leaves, and hear the laughing women going to fetch water from the river.

It has ever been dear to me to carry the burden of my full vessel day after day, in the dew-dipped morning freshness and in the tired glimmer of the day fall.

Its gurgling water babbled to me when my mind was idle, it laughed with the silent laughter of my joyous thoughts it spoke to my heart with tearful sobs when I was sad. I have carried it in stormy days, when the loud rain drowned the anxious cooing of doves.

My day's task is done, my jars are flled, the light wanes in the west, and shadows gather beneath the trees; a sigh comes from the fowering linseed field, and my wistful eyes follow the lane that runs through the village to the bank of the dark water.








Are you a mere picture, and not as true as those stars, true as this dust?They throb with the pulse of things, but you are immensely aloof in your stillness, painted form.

The day was when you walked with me, your breath warm, your limbs singing of life. My world found its speech in your voice, and touched my heart with your face.You suddenly stopped in your walk, in the shadow side of the Forever, and I went on alone.

Life, like a child, laughs, shaking its rattle of death as it runs; it beckons me on, I follow the unseen; but you stand there, where you stopped behind that dust and those stars; and you are a mere picture. No, it cannot be.