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第9章 River Black

I know funerals

An ancient ritual for the Yi people, in the depts of high mountains

(On a black river the eyes of human nature

Twinkle with golden light)

I see a procession of people, like a river, flowing silently through the valley

I see a procession of people, like a river, producing ripples of woe

That with solemn gravity meanders through this marvelous world

This world of human love

I see huge crowds of people in procession that gather together

And form an ocean, making loud sounds by the side of death

The totem of the ancestors projected into the sky in fantasy

I see people in the funeral procession whose dreamy souls

Answer to the call of the muskets

And are transformed into costumes of pristine beauty

I see the dead as peaceful as the mountain

Listening to the songs of sorrow chanted by friendship

With the caresses of love by thousands of hands

I know funerals

An ancient ritual for the Yi people, in the deep of big mountains

(On a black river the eyes of human nature

Twinkle with golden light)